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[英]Move right to next cell in Excel using vb.net

I need to name my headers according to the items I have in a combo box. 我需要根据组合框中的项目命名标题。 I'm basically taking the items from a combo box and adding them to the end of an existing header row in a excel sheet, so starting at the first empty cell in the headers row. 我基本上是从组合框中获取项目,并将其添加到excel工作表中现有标题行的末尾,因此从标题行中的第一个空单元格开始。 However, I can't seem to move to the next cell to the right which would be the next header/column name. 但是,我似乎无法移动到右侧的下一个单元格,即下一个标题/列名称。 Here is my code thus far: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1
    Dim s As String
    s = Convert.ToString(ComboBox1.Items(i))
    xlWorkSheet.Range(columnName & "1").Value = s
Next i

ColumnName is the next blank header in that row, Column "L", so from there i would like to populate that cell then move to the right to the next cell. ColumnName是该行中的下一个空白标题,即“ L”列,因此我要从那里填充该单元格,然后向右移动到下一个单元格。

As others have suggested, you can use Cells() to help iterate easier. 正如其他人所建议的那样,您可以使用Cells()来简化迭代。 Note that the user/macro needs the column number , not letter : 请注意,用户/宏需要列 ,而不是字母

Edit: How's this instead: 编辑:这是怎么回事:

Dim s   As String
Dim myCol As Long
For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1
    myCol = Range(columnName & 1).Column
    s = Convert.ToString(ComboBox1.Items(i))
    xlWorksheet.Cells(1, myCol + i).Value = s
Next i

Loops are so yesterday :] 昨天的循环是如此:]
You can set all headers at once with something like: 您可以使用以下命令一次设置所有标题:

Dim headers = ComboBox1.Items.Cast(Of Object).ToArray
xlWorkSheet.Range("A1").Resize(1, headers.Length).Value2 = headers

Also, when you get acceptable answer you should check the green check next to it https://stackoverflow.com/tour 另外,当您获得可接受的答案时,您应该选中它旁边的绿色对勾https://stackoverflow.com/tour

  • you can create a method that will get parameter of the column number to start, use counter to point the column index. 您可以创建一个方法,该方法将获取要启动的列号参数,并使用counter指向列索引。
  • if headers are not in row 1 so add another parameter of row and replace xlWorksheet.Cells(1, counter) with 如果标题不在第1行中,则添加该行的另一个参数,并将xlWorksheet.Cells(1, counter)替换为
    xlWorksheet.Cells(yourNewParameter, counter) . xlWorksheet.Cells(yourNewParameter, counter)

  • use short or integer data type not Long . 使用shortinteger数据类型,而不是Long

  • you dont need to create a variable for xlWorksheet.Cells(1, counter) make your code shorter. 您不需要为xlWorksheet.Cells(1, counter)创建一个变量,以使您的代码更短。

code: 码:

Private Sub AddHeaders(ByVal columnNumberToStart As Short)
    Dim counter As Short = columnNumberToStart
    For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1
        xlWorksheet.Cells(1, counter) = ComboBox1.Items(i).ToString()
        counter += 1
End Sub

This is what finally worked for me 这终于对我有用

Dim headers = ComboBox1.Items.Cast(Of Object).ToArray
        xlWorkSheet.Range(columnName & "1").Resize(1, headers.Length).Value2 = headers

This also worked: 这也起作用:

  For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1
            Dim s As String
            myCol = xlWorkSheet.Range(columnName & 1).Column
            s = Convert.ToString(ComboBox1.Items(i))
            xlWorkSheet.Cells(1, myCol + i).Value = s
        Next i

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