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在python中使用re findall返回任意数量的匹配组

[英]Return any number of matching groups with re findall in python

I have a relatively complex string that contains a bunch of data. 我有一个相对复杂的字符串,其中包含一堆数据。 I am trying to extract the relevant pieces of the string using a regex command. 我正在尝试使用regex命令提取字符串的相关部分。 The portions I am interested in are contained in square brackets, like this: 我感兴趣的部分包含在方括号中,如下所示:

s = '"data":["value":3.44}] lol haha "data":["value":55.34}] 
                "data":["value":2.44}] lol haha "data":["value":56.34}]'

And the regex expression I have built is as follows: 我构建的正则表达式如下:

l = re.findall(r'\"data\"\:.*(\[.*\])', s)

I was expecting this to return 我原以为这会回来

['["value":3.44}]', '["value":55.34}]', '["value":2.44}]', '["value":56.34}]']

But instead all I get is the last one, ie, 但是我得到的只是最后一个,即


How can I catch 'em all? 我怎么能抓住它们?

It's because quantifiers are greedy by default. 这是因为默认情况下量词是贪婪的。 So .* will match everything between the first "data": and the last [ , so there's only one [...] left to match. 因此.*将匹配第一个"data":和最后一个[ "data":之间的所有内容,因此只剩下一个[...]即可匹配。

Use non-greedy quantifiers by adding ? 通过添加?使用非贪婪量词 .

l = re.findall(r'\"data\"\:.*?(\[.*?\])', s)

You can also use finditer to extract the relevant content iteratively: 您还可以使用finditer迭代提取相关内容:

import re

s = '"data":["value":3.44}] lol haha "data":["value":55.34}] "data":["value":2.44}] lol haha "data":["value":56.34}]'
for m in re.finditer(r'(\[.*?\])', s):
    print m.group(1)



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