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[英]Use Parallel.ForEach with XmlNodeList in C#

I already done basic foreach loop with XmlNodeList as given bellow. 我已经按照下面的说明使用XmlNodeList完成了基本的foreach循环。

Sample XML File (books.xml) 样本XML文件(books.xml)

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xnList = doc.SelectNodes("catalog/book");
foreach (XmlNode node in xnList)

How do I convert this loop into Parallel.ForEach ? 如何将此循环转换为Parallel.ForEach

I've try with this code.But it's didn't work. 我已经尝试过使用此代码。但是它没有用。

Parallel.ForEach(xnList, (XmlNode node) =>

It's says Error 2 说错误2

Argument 1: cannot convert from System.Xml.XmlNodeList to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Xml.XmlNode> 参数1:无法从System.Xml.XmlNodeList转换为System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Xml.XmlNode>

XmlNodeList implements the non-generic IEnumerable . XmlNodeList实现非通用IEnumerable You'll need to cast it first in order to work with an IEnumerable<XmlNode> , as that is what Parallel.ForEach operates on: 您需要先进行转换才能使用IEnumerable<XmlNode> ,因为这是Parallel.ForEach操作方式:

Parallel.ForEach(xnList.Cast<XmlNode>(), (XmlNode node) =>

Another tip, you can set how many parallel processes you want: 另一个技巧是,您可以设置所需的并行进程数:

 Parallel.ForEach(nodes.Cast<XmlNode>(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 
 Environment.ProcessorCount },
 (XmlNode node) =>
      string value = node.InnerText;
      //Some other task

In above Envorinment.ProcessorCount refers to the number of logical cores the CPU reports to Windows. 在上面的Envorinment.ProcessorCount中,是指CPU报告给Windows的逻辑核心数。 I strongly suggest keeping below this number. 我强烈建议保持在这个数字以下。 I have i9 28-cores, and set to 28, pretty much locks up your machine (just leave 1-2 free). 我有i9 28核,并设置为28,几乎可以锁定您的计算机(只需留下1-2个空闲时间)。

Another use for this is that when you are debugging, it is hard to track the multi-threads breaking at the same location when you have many threads running. 这样做的另一个用途是,在调试时,当有多个线程在运行时,很难跟踪在同一位置中断的多线程。 Setting this to 1 will make it work like a regular Loop. 将此设置为1将使其像常规循环一样工作。

Be mindful of impacts of this. 注意这一点的影响。 If you are interacting with public items, remember you will have 20+ parallels calls in one hit. 如果您正在与公共物品进行互动,请记住您将在一击中进行20多次并行通话。 I have found that trying to add unique Dictionary terms for some bizarre reason tells me there are duplicates when running multithread.. works fine with just 1. 我发现出于某种奇怪的原因尝试添加唯一的Dictionary术语会告诉我运行多线程时存在重复项。.仅需1即可正常工作。

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