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[英]I have to display all names one by one on textview please give solution

在我的服务器端数据库中存在 400000 个大学名称,我必须在单个文本视图上同时显示所有名称,请给出解决方案

Without any code no one would be able to help you.没有任何代码,没有人能够帮助您。 But still I am gonna give you some idea on how you can do that.但我仍然会给你一些关于如何做到这一点的想法。 As soon as you get some new record just append the text in TextView :一旦您获得一些新记录,只需在TextView附加文本:

For first time :第一次:

textView.setText("record 1");

after that after getting each record:在获得每条记录之后:

textView.append(textView.getText() + "\n" + "record 2"); // and so on

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