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Python openpyxl遍历文件夹中的excel文件

[英]Python openpyxl loop through excel files in folder

I have working code, but it takes forever to loop through about 35 .xlsx files, read values in column J (including comparing cell values to a dictionary) and then do some comparisons. 我有有效的代码,但是要遍历约35个.xlsx文件,读取J列中的值(包括将单元格值与字典进行比较)和进行一些比较,将花费很多时间。

Basically, it's an email notification system that a) finds a person's name in a cell somewhere in column J, then examines its offset date in column A. If the date in column A is one day in the future (tomorrow) it sends that person a reminder email. 基本上,这是一个电子邮件通知系统,它是a)在J列某处的某个单元格中找到一个人的名字,然后在A列中检查其偏移日期。如果A列中的日期是未来一天(明天),它将发送该人提醒电子邮件。

Wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some feedback! 想知道是否有人愿意提供一些反馈! I have a sense that the multiple fors and if's are slowing it down, but not experienced enough to know how to improve it. 我感觉到多个因素和假设正在使它放慢速度,但经验不足以知道如何改进它。

Thanks for any input! 感谢您的输入! Sometimes even a little hint usually gives me enough info to work out a solution on my own. 有时,即使是一点点提示也通常会给我足够的信息,以便我自己制定解决方案。

for i in os.listdir(os.chdir(thisdir)):
    if i.endswith(".xlsx"):
        workbook = load_workbook(i, data_only=True)
            ws = workbook[wsvar]
            cell_range = ws['j3':'j110']
            for row in cell_range: # This is iterating through rows 1-7
                for cell in row: # This iterates through the columns(cells) in that row
                    if cell.value:
                        if cell.offset(row=0, column =-9).value.date() == (datetime.now().date() + timedelta(days=1)):

                            for name, email in sublist.items():
                                #send the emails
                                if cell.value == name:
                                    email = sublist[cell.value]
                                    datconv = str(cell.offset(row=0, column=-9).value.date().strftime("%m/%d/%Y"))
                                    program = cell.offset(row=0, column=-7).value
                                    #if there are hours in the "hours worked column, use those"
                                    if cell.offset(row=0, column=-5).value:
                                        hours = cell.offset(row=0, column=-5).value
                                    #else, pick up the scheudled hours
                                        hours = cell.offset(row=0, column=-6).value
                                    #SMTP code for email goes here, but it doesn't seem to be the culprit

I don't know if this can help, it works for me in a similar situation, first i red and appended all files i had (3600) to a List, then i loop them through the list, it ran faster. 我不知道这是否能帮上忙,它在类似的情况下对我有用,首先我将所有我拥有的文件(3600)附加到列表中,然后循环遍历列表,运行速度更快。

Good luck 祝好运

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