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在 Python 中为字母分配数字

[英]Assigning numbers to letters in Python

This is aa plan of what i want to do with the code.这是我想用代码做什么的计划。

This is all I have to offer, I'm not sure if it's correct.这就是我要提供的全部内容,我不确定它是否正确。

input ("What's your name?")
  • Input a person's name输入一个人的名字

  • Calculate their lucky name number using the grid in Figure 1 above使用上面图 1 中的网格计算他们的幸运姓名编号

  • Display the names显示名称

  • Display the lucky name number显示幸运姓名号码

Firstly, the input value needs to be assigned to a variable.首先,需要将输入值分配给一个变量。 So instead of doing所以而不是做

input ("What's your name?")

You should write你应该写

input_text = input("What's your name?")

This will store the user's input to the string variable input_text.这会将用户的输入存储到字符串变量 input_text 中。

Next, we will need to declare a dictionary to map each letter to its number.接下来,我们需要声明一个字典来将每个字母映射到它的数字。

alpha_map = {'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3}  # And so on until 'Z' 

After we have done this, we can iterate through each character of input_text and grab its value from the dictionary.完成此操作后,我们可以遍历 input_text 的每个字符并从字典中获取其值。

alpha_values = []  # An empty list
for character in input_text:
    alpha_values.append(alpha_map[character])  # Adds each character's value to alpha_values.

You can use the sum() function to sum up the list of values.您可以使用 sum() 函数对值列表求和。

As for adding up the digits, you could convert the resulting number into a string and convert each character to an int before summing up.至于数字相加,您可以将结果数字转换为字符串,然后在求和之前将每个字符转换为 int。

total = 0
for character in str(number):
    total += int(character)

Note that you will have to strip the input text of any non-alphabetical characters, and capitalize all letters for this program to run - there are already plenty of online documentations explaining how to do this.请注意,您必须去除任何非字母字符的输入文本,并将所有字母大写才能运行该程序 - 已经有大量在线文档解释了如何执行此操作。

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