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[英]Python: Searching a file for a specific string and outputting the total string count

Attempting to build a search functionality in python that takes an input value/string from the user, searches an external file, and then returns the total count (sum) of that requested value in the file.尝试在 python 中构建一个搜索功能,从用户那里获取输入值/字符串,搜索外部文件,然后返回文件中该请求值的总数(总和)。

if user_search_method == 1:
with open("file.txt", 'r') as searchfile:
    for word in searchfile:
        word = word.lower()
        total = 0
        if user_search_value in word.split():
            total += word.count(user_search_value)
            print total

When I run this though I get a line-by-line count displayed and not a total sum.当我运行它时,虽然我得到了一行一行的显示而不是总和。 When I add up those lines they are always 1 count short of the actual too.当我把这些行加起来时,它们也总是比实际少 1 个计数。

You are printing the total in each iteration, you have to put it out of for loop.您在每次迭代中打印total ,您必须将其置于for循环之外。 Also you can do this job more pythonic, using one generator expression:你也可以使用一个生成器表达式来做更多的 Pythonic 工作:

if user_search_method == 1:
    with open("file.txt") as searchfile:
        total = sum(line.lower().split().count(user_search_value) for line in searchfile)
    print total

It feels like there might be something missing from your question, but I will try to get you to where it seems you want to go...感觉您的问题中可能缺少一些东西,但我会尽力让您到达您想去的地方...

user_search_value = 'test'                     # adding this for completeness of 
                                               # this example
if user_search_method == 1:
    with open("file.txt", 'r') as searchfile:
        total = 0
        for word in searchfile:
            words = word.lower().split()       # breaking the words out, upfront, seems
                                               # more efficient

            if user_search_value in words:
                total += words.count(user_search_value)
        print total                            # the print total statement should be outside the for loop
if user_search_method == 1:    
  total = 0    
  with open('file.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
      total += line.casefold().split().count(user_search_value.casefold())

This is probably what you wanted doing.这可能就是你想要做的。

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