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[英]How can I make the wheel scrolling distance 100% of page height?

Hey guys I have a page and I'm trying to capture the mouse wheel so when someone is at the top and scrolls just once the page scrolls to the 100% of what the browser shows sorry I have no idea how to explain this just visit Mega and scroll down once and you will see what I mean. 嘿,我有一个页面,我试图捕获鼠标滚轮,所以当有人在顶部并滚动时,页面滚动到浏览器显示的内容的100%,对不起,我不知道如何解释这一点Mega ,向下滚动一次,您会明白我的意思。 Thanks for any tips :) 感谢您的提示:)

Not a complete implementation, by any stretch, but should be enough to get you started. 无论如何,这都不是一个完整的实现,但是应该足以使您入门。


<div id="head">Your top page...</div>
<div>All other content...</div>


#head {
  height: 100vh;

Javascript Java脚本

var head = document.getElementById('head');
head.addEventListener("wheel", handleMouseWheel);

function handleMouseWheel (event) {
  window.scrollTo(0, head.scrollHeight);

See working http://codepen.io/jtrumbull/pen/vXNREy 参见工作http://codepen.io/jtrumbull/pen/vXNREy

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