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如何在Zend Framework 2中对JOIN使用分页?

[英]How to use pagination with JOINs in Zend Framework 2?

In an application I implemented a Mapper to retrieve data from the database and objects from the ResultSet . 在一个应用程序中,我实现了一个Mapper来从数据库中检索数据并从ResultSet检索对象。 In order to get all the data I have to JOIN multiple tables. 为了获得所有数据,我必须JOIN多个表。 Then I get a huge array structured like this: 然后,我得到一个巨大的数组,其结构如下:

    0 => [
        main_id => 1,
        main_title => 'lorem',
        main_desc => 'ipsum',
        foo_id => '12',
        foo_name => 'qwer',
        bar_id => '56',
        bar_name => 'asdf'
    1 => [
        main_id => 1,
        main_title => 'lorem',
        main_desc => 'ipsum',
        foo_id => '12',
        foo_name => 'qwer',
        bar_id => '67',
        bar_name => 'hjkl'
    2 => [
        main_id => 1,
        main_title => 'lorem',
        main_desc => 'ipsum',
        foo_id => '23',
        foo_name => 'uiop',
        bar_id => '67',
        bar_name => 'hjkl'
    10 => [
        main_id => 1,
        main_title => 'lorem',
        main_desc => 'ipsum',
        foo_id => '23',
        foo_name => 'uiop',
        bar_id => '91',
        bar_name => 'cvbn'
    11 => [
        main_id => 2,
        main_title => 'dolor',
        main_desc => 'sit',
        foo_id => '78',
        foo_name => 'fghj',
        bar_id => '89',
        bar_name => 'vbnm'
    12 => [
        main_id => 3,
        foo_id => '135',
        bar_id => '246',
    13 => [
        main_id => 3,
        foo_id => '135',
        bar_id => '468',
    14 => [
        main_id => 3,
        foo_id => '357',
        bar_id => '680',
    1000 => [

Then I iterate over the array, build objects ( Main , Foo , Bar etc.), and combine them, eg 然后,我遍历数组,构建对象( MainFooBar等),并将它们组合起来,例如

$newMain = $myMainHydrator->hydrate($results[0]);
$newFoo = $myFooHydrator->hydrate($results[0]);
$newBar = $myBarHydrator->hydrate($results[0]);
$resultObjects[] = $newMain;

Now I built in a Paginator and got following issue: The Paginator sets a LIMIT , eg 10 , and retrieves then only 10 rows, while I need for every object more than one result row (currently even 12 rows). 现在,我内置了一个Paginator并遇到以下问题: Paginator设置一个LIMIT (例如10 ,然后仅检索10行,而每个对象都需要一个以上的结果行(目前甚至需要12行)。

I cannot believe, that the Paginator cannot handle JOIN s, so there must be a way to get it working. 我不敢相信, Paginator无法处理JOIN ,因此必须有一种使它起作用的方法。 How to use the Paginator for complex SELECT s with JOIN s? 如何将Paginator用于带有JOIN的复杂SELECT

The issue can be solved by replacing of the LIMIT clause by an IN in the Paginator Adapter 's getItems(...) . 可以通过在Paginator AdaptergetItems(...) Paginator IN替换LIMIT子句来解决此问题。

namespace Foo\Paginator\Adapter;

use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;
use Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Expression;

class FooPaginatorAdapter extends DbSelect

    public function count()
        $select = new Select();
        $select->from('foo')->columns([self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME => new Expression('COUNT(*)')]);

        $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
        $result    = $statement->execute();
        $row       = $result->current();
        $this->rowCount = $row[self::ROW_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME];

        return $this->rowCount;

    public function getItems($offset, $itemCountPerPage)
        $select = clone $this->select;
        // replaced
        // $select->offset($offset);
        // $select->limit($itemCountPerPage);
        // by this
        $relevantIds = $this->getRelevantIds($offset, $itemCountPerPage);
        $select->where->in('foo.id', $relevantIds);

        $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
        $result    = $statement->execute();

        $resultSet = clone $this->resultSetPrototype;

        return iterator_to_array($resultSet);

    protected function getRelevantIds($offset, $itemCountPerPage)
        $sql = new Sql($this->sql->getAdapter());
        $select = $sql->select('foo');

        $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
        $result    = $statement->execute();

        $resultArray = iterator_to_array($result);

        $relevantIds = array_column($resultArray, 'id');

        return $relevantIds;


As you see in this case the ID s first have to be retrieved with a separate database request. 如您所见,在这种情况下,首先必须使用单独的数据库请求来检索ID But anyway -- it works. 但是无论如何-它起作用。 If you know a better solution, please feel free to post it. 如果您知道更好的解决方案,请随时发布。

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