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使用 NUnit 和 Moq 测试控制器期间的 NullReference

[英]NullReference durning testing controller with NUnit and Moq

I obtain a NullReference exception in my test.我在测试中获得了 NullReference 异常。 When I comment eventsRepository.AddEvent(eve, User.Identity.GetUserId());当我评论eventsRepository.AddEvent(eve, User.Identity.GetUserId()); in controller than it goes through.在控制器中比它通过。

How Can I fix it ?我该如何解决?

Controller's Method控制器的方法

public ActionResult CreateEvent(Event eve)
    if (eve.DateOfBegining < DateTime.Now)
        ModelState.AddModelError("DateOfBegining", "");

    if (eve.MaxQuantityOfPlayers < eve.MinCount)
        ModelState.AddModelError("MinCount", "");

    if (eve.ConflictSides.Count < 2 || eve.ConflictSides.Count > 10)
        ModelState.AddModelError("ConflictSides", "");

    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        return View("CreateEvent", eve);
        eventsRepository.AddEvent(eve, User.Identity.GetUserId());
        return RedirectToAction("EventsList");


void AddEvent(Event ev, string userId);

Test's method测试方法

public void CreateEvent_AddEvent_returns_EventsList()
    // arrange
    var EventRepo = new Mock<IEventRepository>();
    var ParticipantsRepo = new Mock<IParticipants>();

    DateTime dt = new DateTime(2200, 1, 23);
    Event eve = new Event() 
        ConflictSides = new List<ConflictSide>() { 
                                                new ConflictSide{ Name ="niebiescy"},
                                                new ConflictSide{ Name ="czerwoni"},
                                                new ConflictSide{ Name ="fioletowi"},
        DateOfBegining = dt,
        Description = "bardzo dlugi opid na potrzeby testu",
        EventCreator= "userId",
        EventName = "najlepsza",
        Hicap = new MagazineTyp(){ifAllow = true, ifOnlySemi = false},
        MidCap = new MagazineTyp(){ifAllow = true, ifOnlySemi = false},
        LowCap = new MagazineTyp(){ifAllow = true, ifOnlySemi = false},
        RealCap = new MagazineTyp(){ifAllow = true, ifOnlySemi = false},
        MaxQuantityOfPlayers = 50,
        MinCount = 10           

    var target = new EventController(EventRepo.Object, ParticipantsRepo.Object);

    // act

    RedirectToRouteResult result = target.CreateEvent(eve) as RedirectToRouteResult;

    // assert

    // EventRepo.Verify(a => a.AddEvent(It.IsAny<Event>(), It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once());

    Assert.AreEqual("EventsList", result.RouteValues["action"]);

You are accessing User.Identity.GetUserId() but the User property of the controller was not setup in your test method hence it will be null when accessed您正在访问User.Identity.GetUserId()但控制器的User属性未在您的测试方法中设置,因此访问时它将为空

you will need to set the controller context with a dummy user account.您需要使用虚拟用户帐户设置控制器上下文。 Here is a helper class you can use to mock the HttpContext needed to get the user principal.这是一个帮助器类,您可以使用它来模拟获取用户主体所需的HttpContext

private class MockHttpContext : HttpContextBase {
    private readonly IPrincipal user;

    public MockHttpContext(string username, string[] roles = null) {
        var identity = new GenericIdentity(username);
        var principal = new GenericPrincipal(identity, roles ?? new string[] { });
        user = principal;

    public override IPrincipal User {
        get {
            return user;
        set {
            base.User = value;

in your test after initializing the target controller you would need to set the controller context在初始化目标控制器后的测试中,您需要设置控制器上下文

//...other coder

var target = new EventController(EventRepo.Object, ParticipantsRepo.Object);
target.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext {
    Controller = target,
    HttpContext = new MockHttpContext("fakeuser@example.com")

//...other coder

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