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如何使用uber API跟踪开始骑行

[英]how to track begin ride using uber API

I am planning on making an application which will run in parallel with uber app. 我正计划制作一个将与uber应用程序并行运行的应用程序。
I want to do something after the begin ride is clicked. 单击开始骑行后,我想做些事情。
Is there a way to do that ? 有没有办法做到这一点 ? How should I communicate with uber to know if driver has begun the ride ? 我应该如何与优步沟通,以了解驾驶员是否已开始骑行?

The app which I am planning will be installed on Driver's mobile. 我正在计划的应用程序将安装在Driver的手机上。

We currently do not have publicly available Driver API features. 当前,我们没有公开可用的驱动程序API功能。 Thanks for expressing your interest! 感谢您的关注! We always listen to our community in order to prioritize feature requests accordingly. 我们总是听取社区意见,以便相应地对功能请求进行优先级排序。 Please stay tuned and check out our Developer Blog for future API announcements . 请继续关注并查看我们的开发者博客,以获取将来的API公告

Having said that, I think you can still use our Rides API Webhooks to implement this feature in your app. 话虽如此,我认为您仍然可以使用我们的Rides API Webhooks在您的应用程序中实现此功能。 The Webhook feature sends out POST requests to your server-side application with updates on the status of the Uber ride request. Webhook功能将POST请求发送到您的服务器端应用程序,其中包含有关Uber乘车请求状态的更新。 In other words, you would be notified if the ride starts (implies that the driver clicked on Begin Trip). 换句话说,您会被告知骑行是否开始(这意味着驾驶员单击了“开始行程”)。

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