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[英]Alternative of threading.Timer?

I have a producer-consumer pattern Queue, it consumes incoming events and schedule qualified events sending out in 5 seconds. 我有一个生产者-消费者模式Queue,它消耗传入的事件并安排合格事件在5秒钟内发送出去。 I am using threading.Timer() python document to do it and everything was working fine. 我正在使用threading.Timer() python文档来执行此操作,并且一切正常。

Recently, I was requested to change the scheduled time from 5 second to 30 minutes, and threading.Timer() crashes my script because previously the threads objects are created and are released very soon(only last 5 sec) but now it has to keep alive for 30 minutes. 最近,我被要求将计划时间从5秒更改为30分钟,并且threading.Timer()我的脚本崩溃,因为以前创建并很快释放了线程对象(仅持续5秒钟),但是现在必须保留活了30分钟

Here's the code: 这是代码:

 if scheduled_time and out_event:
     threading.Timer(scheduled_time, self.send_out_event, (socket_connection, received_event, out_event,)).start()  # schedule event send out

Can somesone shed some light on this? 有人可以对此有所启发吗? How can I solve this problem or is there any alternative for threading.Timer() ? 我该如何解决这个问题,或者threading.Timer()是否有其他选择?

Thanks for @dano 's comment about the 3rd party modules! 感谢@dano对第三方模块的评论! Based on my work requirement, I didn't install them on the server. 根据我的工作要求,我没有将它们安装在服务器上。

Instead of using threading.Timer() , I choose to use a Redis based Delay Queue, I found some helpful source online: A unique Python redis-based queue with delay . 我选择使用基于Redis的Delay Queue,而不是使用threading.Timer() ,而是在线找到了一些有用的资源: 一个独特的基于Python Redis的delay队列。 It solved my issue. 它解决了我的问题。

Briefly, the author creates a sorted set in redis and give it a name, add() would appends new data into the sorted set. 简要地说,作者在redis中创建了一个排序集并为其命名, add()会将新数据追加到该排序集中。 Every time it pops at most one element from the sorted set based upon the epoc-time score, the element which holds qualified minimum score would be pop out( Not remove from redis ) 每次根据epoc-time分数从排序集中最多弹出一个元素时,将弹出符合条件的最低得分的元素( 不从redis中删除

def add(self, received_event, delay_queue_name="delay_queue", delay=config.SECOND_RETRY_DELAY):
        score = int(time.time()) + delay
        self.__client.zadd(delay_queue_name, score, received_event)
        self.__logger.debug("added {0} to delay queue, delay time:{1}".format(received_event, delay))
    except Exception as e:
        self.__logger.error("error: {0}".format(e))

def pop(self, delay_queue_name="delay_queue"):
    min_score, max_score, element = 0, int(time.time()), None

        result = self.__client.zrangebyscore(delay_queue_name, min_score, max_score, start=0, num=1, withscores=False)
    except Exception as e:
        self.__logger.error("failed query from redis:{0}".format(e))
        return None

    if result and len(result) == 1:
        element = result[0]
        self.__logger.debug("poped {0} from delay queue".format(element))
        self.__logger.debug("no qualified element")
    return element

def remove(self, element, delay_queue_name="delay_queue"):
    self.__client.zrem(delay_queue_name, element)

self.__client is a Redis client instance, redis.StrictRedis(host=rhost,port=rport, db=rindex) . self.__client是Redis客户端实例redis.StrictRedis(host=rhost,port=rport, db=rindex)

The difference between the online source with mine is that I switched zadd() parameters. 在线资源与我的在线资源之间的区别在于,我切换了zadd()参数。 The order of score and data are switched. scoredata的顺序被切换。 Below is docs of zadd() 以下是 zadd() 文档

Here's the python redis doc: 这是python redis doc:

def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
    Set any number of score, element-name pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs
    can be specified in two ways:

    As *args, in the form of: score1, name1, score2, name2, ...
    or as **kwargs, in the form of: name1=score1, name2=score2, ...

    The following example would add four values to the 'my-key' key:
    redis.zadd('my-key', 1.1, 'name1', 2.2, 'name2', name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
    pieces = []
    if args:
        if len(args) % 2 != 0:
            raise RedisError("ZADD requires an equal number of "
                             "values and scores")
    for pair in iteritems(kwargs):
    return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces)

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