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[英][CLIPS][JAVA]How to acquire string from console and insert inputs

I'm developing a little expert-system with Clips and Java using Clipsjni.我正在使用 Clipsjni 使用 Clips 和 Java 开发一个小专家系统。 I've encountered a problem and I can't find a solution online, so I'm asking to You.我遇到了一个问题,我在网上找不到解决方案,所以我问你。 I want to put the output of the function clips.run() in a JLable becouse I need to use java swing and I want to put the input from a TextBox and not from the console.我想将函数 clips.run() 的输出放在 JLable 中,因为我需要使用 java swing 并且我想从 TextBox 而不是来自控制台的输入。

Here's an example of a program that runs normally with the console:下面是一个与控制台一起正常运行的程序示例:

import net.sf.clipsrules.jni.Environment;

public class Example {

    public static Environment clips = new Environment();
    public static void main (String[] args)

And this is my Hello.clp:这是我的 Hello.clp:

(defrule question
(printout t "How old are you?" crlf)
(assert (age (read)))

this is what i get from the system console:这是我从系统控制台得到的:

How old are you?你几岁? 12 12

So I want " How old are you? " to be saved in a String type and put the "12" from a string.所以我希望“你多大了?”以字符串类型保存并从字符串中输入“12”。 How can I solve this?我该如何解决这个问题? Hoping for your help!希望得到您的帮助!

Rather than placing strings that will be seen by the user directly within the rules, use facts instead.不要将用户直接看到的字符串放置在规则中,而是使用事实。

(deftemplate question
  (slot id)
  (slot text))
(deftemplate value
  (slot id)
  (slot value))
(defrule ask-question
  (question (id ?id)
            (text ?text))
  (printout t ?text " ")
  (assert (value (id ?id) (value (read)))))
CLIPS> (assert (question (id age) (text "How old are you?")))
CLIPS> (run)
How old are you? 44
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (question (id age) (text "How old are you?"))
f-2     (value (id age) (value 44))
For a total of 3 facts.
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (assert (question (id age) (text "Wie alt sind Sie?")))
CLIPS> (run)
Wie alt sind Sie? 44
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (question (id age) (text "Wie alt sind Sie?"))
f-2     (value (id age) (value 44))
For a total of 3 facts.

In CLIPSJNI, you can use the assertString function to assert facts into CLIPS from your Swing application.在 CLIPSJNI 中,您可以使用 assertString 函数从 Swing 应用程序将事实断言到 CLIPS。 For example, here's a snippet from the WineDemo example included with CLIPSJNI:例如,这里是 CLIPSJNI 中包含的 WineDemo 示例中的一个片段:

clips.assertString("(attribute (name sauce) (value unknown))");

Use the fact query functions to extract information from facts.使用事实查询函数从事实中提取信息。 For example, here's a snippet from the SudokoDemo example included with CLIPSJNI:例如,这里是 CLIPSJNI 中包含的 SudokoDemo 示例的片段:

 String evalStr;
 String messageStr = "<html><p style=\"font-size:95%\">";

 evalStr = "(find-all-facts ((?f technique)) TRUE)";

 MultifieldValue mv = (MultifieldValue) clips.eval(evalStr);
 int tNum = mv.size();

 for (int i = 1; i <= tNum; i++)
    evalStr = "(find-fact ((?f technique-employed)) " +
                   "(eq ?f:priority " + i + "))";

    mv = (MultifieldValue) clips.eval(evalStr);
    if (mv.size() == 0) continue;

    FactAddressValue fv = (FactAddressValue) mv.get(0);

    messageStr = messageStr + ((NumberValue) fv.getFactSlot("priority")).intValue() + ". " +
                              ((LexemeValue) fv.getFactSlot("reason")).lexemeValue() + "<br>";

Basically you use the eval function to execute the query and return a list of facts in a CLIPS multifield value.基本上,您使用 eval 函数来执行查询并返回 CLIPS 多字段值中的事实列表。 You retrieve the facts from the multifield and then use the getFactSlot function to retrieve specific slot values.您从多字段中检索事实,然后使用 getFactSlot 函数检索特定的槽值。

   FactAddressValue fv = (FactAddressValue) ((MultifieldValue) clips.eval("(find-fact ((?f flower_name)) TRUE)")).get(0); // "flower_name"  is deftemplate name 

   String ou = fv.getFactSlot("name").toString() ; // "name" is the slot name 
    //String ou = value.toString() ; 
    System.out.println(ou) ; 

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