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[英]Parse JSON output from API file into CSV

I am currently trying to convert a JSON output from an API request to a CSV format so i can store the results into our database. 我目前正在尝试将JSON输出从API请求转换为CSV格式,以便将结果存储到我们的数据库中。 Here is my current code for reference: 这是我当前的代码供参考:

import pyodbc
import csv
#import urllib2
import json
import collections
import requests
#import pprint
#import functools

print ("Connecting via ODBC")

conn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=DSN', autocommit=True)

print ("Connected!\n")

cur = conn.cursor() 

sql = """SELECT DATA"""


#df = pandas.read_sql_query(sql, conn)


#print('CSV sheet is ready to go!')

rows = cur.fetchall()

obs_list = []

for row in rows:

    d = collections.OrderedDict()
    d['addressee'] = row.NAME
    d['street'] = row.ADDRESS
    d['city'] = row.CITY
    d['state'] = row.STATE
    d['zipcode'] = row.ZIP

obs_file = 'TEST.json'
with open(obs_file, 'w') as file:
    json.dump(obs_list, file)

print('Run through API')

url = 'https://api.smartystreets.com/street-address?'

headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}

with open('test1.json', 'r') as run:

    dict_run = run.readlines()

    dict_ready = (''.join(dict_run))

r = requests.post(url , data=dict_ready, headers=headers)

ss_output = r.text

output = 'output.json'

with open(output,'w') as of:

    json.dump(ss_output, of)

print('I think it works')

f = open('output.json')

   data = json.load(f)

data_1 = data['analysis']

data_2 = data['metadata']

data_3 = data['components']

entity_data = open('TEST.csv','w')

csvwriter = csv.writer(entity_data)

count = 0

count2 = 0

count3 = 0

for ent in data_1:

    if count == 0:

        header = ent.keys()


        count += 1


for ent_2 in data_2:

    if count2 == 0:

        header2 = ent_2.keys()


        count2 += 1


for ent_3 in data_3:

    if count3 == 0:

        header3 = ent_3.keys()


        count3 += 1



Sample output from API: API的示例输出:

        "input_index": 0,
        "candidate_index": 0,
        "delivery_line_1": "1 Santa Claus Ln",
        "last_line": "North Pole AK 99705-9901",
        "delivery_point_barcode": "997059901010",
        "components": {
            "primary_number": "1",
            "street_name": "Santa Claus",
            "street_suffix": "Ln",
            "city_name": "North Pole",
            "state_abbreviation": "AK",
            "zipcode": "99705",
            "plus4_code": "9901",
            "delivery_point": "01",
            "delivery_point_check_digit": "0"
        "metadata": {
            "record_type": "S",
            "zip_type": "Standard",
            "county_fips": "02090",
            "county_name": "Fairbanks North Star",
            "carrier_route": "C004",
            "congressional_district": "AL",
            "rdi": "Commercial",
            "elot_sequence": "0001",
            "elot_sort": "A",
            "latitude": 64.75233,
            "longitude": -147.35297,
            "precision": "Zip8",
            "time_zone": "Alaska",
            "utc_offset": -9,
            "dst": true
        "analysis": {
            "dpv_match_code": "Y",
            "dpv_footnotes": "AABB",
            "dpv_cmra": "N",
            "dpv_vacant": "N",
            "active": "Y",
            "footnotes": "L#"

        "input_index": 1,
        "candidate_index": 0,
        "delivery_line_1": "Loop land 1",
        "last_line": "North Pole AK 99705-9901",
        "delivery_point_barcode": "997059901010",
        "components": {
            "primary_number": "1",
            "street_name": "Lala land",
            "street_suffix": "Ln",
            "city_name": "North Pole",
            "state_abbreviation": "AK",
            "zipcode": "99705",
            "plus4_code": "9901",
            "delivery_point": "01",
            "delivery_point_check_digit": "0"
        "metadata": {
            "record_type": "S",
            "zip_type": "Standard",
            "county_fips": "02090",
            "county_name": "Fairbanks North Star",
            "carrier_route": "C004",
            "congressional_district": "AL",
            "rdi": "Commercial",
            "elot_sequence": "0001",
            "elot_sort": "A",
            "latitude": 64.75233,
            "longitude": -147.35297,
            "precision": "Zip8",
            "time_zone": "Alaska",
            "utc_offset": -9,
            "dst": true
        "analysis": {
            "dpv_match_code": "Y",
            "dpv_footnotes": "AABB",
            "dpv_cmra": "N",
            "dpv_vacant": "N",
            "active": "Y",
            "footnotes": "L#"

After storing the API output the trouble is trying to parse the returned output (Sample output) into a CSV format. 在存储API输出之后,问题就在于尝试将返回的输出(样本输出)解析为CSV格式。 The code im using to try to do this: 我用来尝试执行此操作的代码:

f = open('output.json')

data = json.load(f)

data_1 = data['analysis']

data_2 = data['metadata']

data_3 = data['components']

entity_data = open('TEST.csv','w')

csvwriter = csv.writer(entity_data)

count = 0

count2 = 0

count3 = 0

for ent in data_1:

    if count == 0:

        header = ent.keys()


        count += 1


for ent_2 in data_2:

    if count2 == 0:

        header2 = ent_2.keys()


        count2 += 1


for ent_3 in data_3:

    if count3 == 0:

        header3 = ent_3.keys()


        count3 += 1



returns the following error: TypeError: string indices must be integers. 返回以下错误:TypeError:字符串索引必须为整数。 And as someone kindly commented and pointed out it appears i am iterating over keys instead of the different dictionaries, and this is where I get stuck because im not sure what to do? 正如某位友善的评论并指出的那样,看来我是在遍历键而不是不同的字典,而这正是我受困的原因,因为我不确定该怎么做? From my understanding it looks like the JSON is split into 3 different arrays with JSON object for each, but that does not appear to be the case according to the structure? 根据我的理解,似乎JSON分为3个不同的数组,每个数组都有JSON对象,但是根据结构,情况似乎并非如此吗? I apologize for the length of the code, but I want some resemblance of context to what i am trying to accomplish. 对于代码的长度,我深表歉意,但我希望上下文与我要完成的工作类似。

Consider pandas's json_normalize() method to flatten nested items into tabular df structure: 考虑熊猫的json_normalize()方法将嵌套的项目展平为表格df结构:

import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import json

with open('Output.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

df = json_normalize(data)


Do note the components , metadata , and analysis become period-separated prefixes to corresponding values. 请注意, componentsmetadataanalysis变成了句点分隔的对应值的前缀。 If not needed, consider renaming columns. 如果不需要,请考虑重命名列。


You are saving request's result.text with json. 您正在使用json保存请求的result.text result.text is a string so upon rereading it through json you get the same one long string instead of a list . result.text是一个字符串,因此在通过json重新读取它时,会得到一个相同的长字符串,而不是list Try to write result.text as is: 尝试按原样写入result.text

output = 'output.json'
with open(output,'w') as of:

That's the cause of TypeError:string indices must be integers you mention. 这就是TypeError:string indices must be integers您提到的TypeError:string indices must be integers的原因。 The rest of your code has multiple issues. 您的其余代码有多个问题。

  1. The data in json is a list of dicts so to get ,say , data_1 you need list comprehension like this: data_1 = [x['analysis'] for x in data] json中的数据是一列字典,因此要获得data_1您需要像这样的列表理解: data_1 = [x['analysis'] for x in data]

  2. You write three types of rows into the same csv file: components, metadata and analyzis. 您将三种类型的行写入同一个csv文件中:组件,元数据和分析。 That's really odd. 真的很奇怪

Probably you have to rewrite the second half of the code: open three csv_writers one per data type, then iterate over data items and write their fields into corresponding csv_writer. 可能您必须重写代码的后半部分:每种数据类型打开三个csv_writers,然后遍历data项并将其字段写入相应的csv_writer。

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