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[英]method document of object iwebbrowser2 failed

I am getting this error "method document of object iwebbrowser2 failed".. Please look the code below. 我收到此错误“对象iwebbrowser2的方法文档失败”。。请查看下面的代码。

Sub getIE()
Dim sh As Object, oWin As Object, IE As Object

Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

For Each oWin In sh.Windows
    If TypeName(oWin.document) = "HTMLDocument" Then
        Set IE = oWin
        Exit For
    End If

MsgBox IE.document.URL

End Sub

First make sure you have opened a site on Internet Explorer. 首先,请确保您已经在Internet Explorer上打开了一个站点。 Then run the code. 然后运行代码。 I did not get the error as yours but got object reference error. 我没有得到您的错误,但是得到了对象引用错误。 So, added a check when the object is nothing. 因此,在对象为空时添加了检查。

Sub getIE()
  Dim sh As Object, oWin As Object, IE As Object

  Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

  For Each oWin In sh.Windows
    If TypeName(oWin.document) = "HTMLDocument" Then
        Set IE = oWin
        Exit For
    End If

  If Not IE Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox IE.document.URL
  End If

End Sub


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