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LLVM / Clang源代码的覆盖范围

[英]Coverage of LLVM/Clang source code

I am building LLVM and Clang. 我正在构建LLVM和Clang。 What option should I pass in cmake to enable coverage of LLVM and Clang source code. 我应该在cmake传递什么选项来启用LLVM和Clang源代码的覆盖。 Note, I want to get the coverage of LLVM source code itself. 注意,我想获得LLVM源代码本身的覆盖范围。 For example, if I run clang tc , I want to see which parts of LLVM have been run. 例如,如果我运行clang tc ,我想看看LLVM的哪些部分已经运行。

在'cmake'之后使用make ENABLE_COVERAGE=1

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