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[英]How to Focus last cell of visible cell of collection view?

I want to focus and change the frame of last cell of visible cell of collectionView. 我想聚焦并更改collectionView的可见单元格的最后一个单元格的框架。

I want collection view behaviour like this . 我想要像这样的集合视图行为。

I found the library that change the first cell of collection view but I want to change the frame of last cell. 我找到了更改集合视图的第一个单元格的 ,但我想更改最后一个单元格的框架。 This library using flow layout. 此库使用流布局。

override func prepareLayout() {

cache.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)

let standardHeight = UltravisualLayoutConstants.Cell.standardHeight
let featuredHeight = UltravisualLayoutConstants.Cell.featuredHeight

var frame = CGRectZero
var y: CGFloat = 0

for item in 0..<numberOfItems {
    // 1
    let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forItem: item, inSection: 0)
    let attributes = UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes(forCellWithIndexPath: indexPath)

    // 2
    attributes.zIndex = item
    var height = standardHeight

    // 3
    if indexPath.item == featuredItemIndex
            // 4
            let yOffset = standardHeight * nextItemPercentageOffset
            y = collectionView!.contentOffset.y - yOffset
            height = featuredHeight
    } else if indexPath.item == (featuredItemIndex + 1) && indexPath.item != numberOfItems {
            // 5
            let maxY = y + standardHeight
            height = standardHeight + max((featuredHeight - standardHeight) * nextItemPercentageOffset, 0)
            y = maxY - height

    // 6
    frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: y, width: width, height: height)
    //print("Item : \(item) : \(frame)");
    attributes.frame = frame
    y = CGRectGetMaxY(frame)


library uses above function to change the frame of all elements. 使用上面的函数来改变所有元素的框架。

Can any one tell me that how can I achieve this . 任何人都可以告诉我,我怎样才能做到这一点


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