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如何使用批处理文件检查操作系统是否启用了 AHCI 或 IDE

[英]How to check if AHCI or IDE is enabled from the operating system using batch file

假设在 BIOS 中,SATA Configuration 设置为 AHCI 或 IDE Enabled,那么是否可以通过批处理文件检查操作系统(Windows XP,7)是否启用了 AHCI 或 IDE?

I don't know if this script can help you or not,but anyway you can give a try and tell us the results that you will get after its execution :我不知道这个脚本是否可以帮助您,但无论如何您可以尝试并告诉我们执行后您将获得的结果:

@echo off 
Title Generate a text report for Devices manager
Mode con cols=80 lines=3
cls & color 0A & echo.
Set "LogFile=DeviceManager.txt"
Set "AHCI_LOG=AHCI_Log.txt"
If Exist "%LogFile%" Del "%LogFile%"
If Exist "%AHCI_LOG%" Del "%AHCI_LOG%"
echo       Please wait a while we generate the report in "%LogFile%" .....
start /wait msinfo32 /report "%LogFile%"
Find /I "AHCI" "%LogFile%" >> "%AHCI_LOG%"
start "" notepad "%AHCI_LOG%"

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