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如何在 Jint 解释器中解析 javascript 代码?

[英]How do I parse javascript code in Jint interpreter?

I want to make sure javascript code is valid syntax:我想确保 javascript 代码是有效的语法:

string test = " var i = 0; ";
Jint.Engine ScrptingEngine = new Jint.Engine();
bool result = ScrptingEngine.Parse(test);

You can use the Execute() method to "parse" your JavaScript and the GetValue() method to retrieve the value and then assert that it works as intended. 您可以使用Execute()方法来“解析” JavaScript,而可以使用GetValue()方法来检索该值,然后断言它可以按预期工作。

string test = " var i = 0; ";
Jint.Engine ScrptingEngine = new Jint.Engine();
var result = ScrptingEngine.Execute(test).GetValue("i");
Assert.AreEqual(0, result);

In addition, the Execute method will also throw a JavaScriptException if the JavaScript is invalid: 此外,如果JavaScript无效, Execute方法还将抛出JavaScriptException

    ScrptingEngine.Execute("xx = ss == esfx = fuct()"); 
catch(JavaScriptException ex) {}

If you add the script to a object it should not run any of the code. 如果将脚本添加到对象,则不应运行任何代码。

var myscript = @"
var badFunction = function(){/* please don't run this*/ } 
badFunction ();"

new Engine().Execute("var noRun = {" + myscript + "}");

There is no guarantees though that the script itself doesn't break the object incapsulation. 尽管脚本本身不会破坏对象封装,但不能保证。

What about calling the JavaScriptParser?调用 JavaScriptParser 怎么样?

Esprima.JavaScriptParser parser = new Esprima.JavaScriptParser(script);

When you add Jint to your project, you also get the Esprima namespace, and this is what Jint uses internally anyway (if I read the source correctly).当您将 Jint 添加到您的项目时,您还会获得 Esprima 命名空间,无论如何这就是 Jint 在内部使用的名称(如果我正确阅读了源代码)。

Then you can catch an Esprima.ParserException .然后你可以捕获一个Esprima.ParserException

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