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MobX - 替换可观察数组中的项目?

[英]MobX - Replacing item in observable array?

Please correct me if I am wrong, but currently this is not possible using replace, as replace would replace the entire observable array and map should be used instead? 如果我错了请纠正我,但目前使用replace是不可能的,因为替换会替换整个可观察数组,而应该使用map?

I have an observable array like this: 我有一个这样的可观察数组:

@observable questionsList = [];

On server call it gets populated with 2 objects, each with a distinct id field, so it'll look like this: 在服务器调用上,它将填充2个对象,每个对象都有一个不同的id字段,所以它看起来像这样:

@observable questionsList = [
                             {id: 1,
                              question: "Is the earth flats?",
                              answer: "Some long answer here..."
                             {id: 2,
                              question: "Does the moon have life?"}
                              answer: "Some long answer here..."}

So the question with id of 1 has a typo which needs fixing, should be Is the earth flat? 所以id为1的问题有一个需要修复的拼写错误,应该Is the earth flat?

Given the following: 鉴于以下内容:

const newQuestionId = 1;
const newQuestion = "Is the earth flat?"
const oldQuestion = this.questionsList.find(question => question.id === newQuestionId);
oldQuestion.replace(newQuestion) // Would be nice if this syntax worked

Now I have the correct oldQuestion but how can I replace it in the questionList array with the new question? 现在我有正确的oldQuestion但是如何在questionList数组中用新问题替换它? I tried replace, but it didn't work. 我试过替换,但它没有用。 Is map the only way? 地图是唯一的方式吗? If so I am not sure how to get map to work as I've only worked with observable arrays. 如果是这样,我不知道如何使地图工作,因为我只使用可观察数组。

How can I accomplish this using MobX? 如何使用MobX完成此操作?

Each property of the observable object will in turn be observable, so you could just overwrite the string: 可观察对象的每个属性都将是可观察的,因此您可以只覆盖该字符串:

const newQuestionId = 1;
const newQuestion = "Is the earth flat?"
const oldQuestion = this.questionsList.find(q => q.id === newQuestionId);
oldQuestion.question = newQuestion;

If you have additional fields in the new question object that you would like to use instead, and make these new fields observable as well, you could use extendObservable : 如果您想在新问题对象中使用其他字段,并且也可以使这些新字段可观察,则可以使用extendObservable

const oldQuestion = this.questionsList.find(q => q.id === newQuestionId);
extendObservable(oldQuestion, newQuestionObject);

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