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“ AppendChild”在函数内部不起作用吗?

[英]“AppendChild” does not work inside a function?

"use strict";

Object.prototype.$ = function( selector ) {
    var sel = selector;
    if ( typeof sel == "string" ) {
        var elem = document.querySelectorAll( sel );
        if ( elem.length == 1 ) return elem[0];
        else if ( elem.length > 1 ) return elem;
    } else
        throw new Error( "Can't find element!" );

Object.prototype.crElem = function( e ) {
    var name  = document.createElement( e.name );
    var place = $( e.place );
    if ( e.value == undefined ) {
        place.appendChild( name );
    } else if ( e.value ) {
        name.innerHTML = e.value;
        place.appendChild( name );

    name: "button",
    place: ".slide"

in the console comes out this error: " Uncaught TypeError: place.appendChild is not a function " 在控制台中出现以下错误:“ Uncaught TypeError:place.appendChild不是函数”

Your $() function returns an array, and then you try to call .appendChild() on that. 您的$()函数返回一个数组,然后尝试在其上调用.appendChild() Of course that won't work. 当然那行不通。 You need to call it on a specific element, like place[0].appendChild(name) . 您需要在特定元素上调用它,例如place[0].appendChild(name) Also, what will you do when $() returns several elements? 另外,当$()返回几个元素时,您将怎么办?

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