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iPad应用程序在iOS 10中将应用程序图标显示为启动屏幕

[英]iPad Application shows app icon as launch screen in iOS 10

In iPad iOS 10 Application shows app icon as launch screen / Splash screen if we don't provide any launch screen. 在iPad iOS 10应用程序中,如果我们不提供任何启动屏幕,则会将应用程序图标显示为启动屏幕/启动画面。

I had not set any launch screen or image. 我没有设置任何启动屏幕或图像。


And LaunchImage asset is blank. 而LaunchImage资产是空白的。


It looks weird. 看起来很奇怪。

see 看到


Is it bug ? 是bug吗? or feature? 或功能?


Application is not in App Store it's enterprise app. 应用程序不在App Store中的企业应用程序中。

I was also getting this issue in my app for iPad and I found solution of this. 我在我的iPad应用程序中也遇到了这个问题,我找到了解决方案。

Solution: I added a launchscreen.xib in my app and select this file in to LaunchScreen section of 'General' section in target window. 解决方案:我在我的应用程序中添加了launchscreen.xib ,并在目标窗口的“常规”部分的“启动屏幕”部分中选择此文件。

I did not add launch images of iPad devices, may be this is the reason of issue. 我没有添加iPad设备的启动图像,可能是这个问题的原因。

So now this issue has resolved. 所以现在这个问题已经解决了。 :) :)


This is probably due to the animation that is used to give the "zoom" effect from the app icon when the user launches your app. 这可能是由于用户启动应用时用于从应用图标提供“缩放”效果的动画。

You will notice that the launch image animates it's alpha from 0.0 to 1.0 as the user opens the app. 您会注意到,当用户打开应用程序时,启动图像会将其alpha设置为0.01.0

In your case, you have not specified an image so there is nothing to show. 在您的情况下,您尚未指定图像,因此无需显示任何内容。 This is something that isn't supported as your app would be rejected if you tried to submit to iTunes Connect. 这是不受支持的,因为如果您尝试提交到iTunes Connect,您的应用将被拒绝。 You should always ensure that you have a launch image (or nib) set, even if it's just a plain white image. 您应始终确保设置了启动图像(或笔尖),即使它只是纯白图像。

You could probably try filing a bug report about it but my expectation will be that you are just told to add image resources to the asset in the Assets Catalog. 您可能会尝试提交有关它的错误报告,但我的期望是您只是被告知要在资产目录中向资产添加图像资源。

This is the launch screen issue by sure. 这肯定是发布屏幕问题。 Set launch screen in .plist file. 在.plist文件中设置启动屏幕。 It should be solved. 应该解决。

For iOS less than 9.0 you can set image as launch screen and for others you need launch screen as XIB. 对于低于9.0的iOS,您可以将图像设置为启动屏幕,对于其他您需要将启动屏幕设置为XIB。

Maybe you have to support iPad target at "Targeted Device Family" of your Build Settings 也许您必须在Build Settings的“Targeted Device Family”中支持iPad目标

Settings at "Targeted Device Family" is like these. “目标设备系列”中的设置如下。 1 is iPhone only 2 is iPad only 1,2 is iPhone/iPad Both. 1是iPhone只有2是iPad只有1,2是iPhone / iPad两者。

In my case, if i choose "1,2", app icon launch image has gone. 在我的情况下,如果我选择“1,2”,应用程序图标启动图像已经消失。

Just in case anyone's still struggling with this. 以防任何人仍在努力解决这个问题。 My problem was an entirely different thing. 我的问题完全不同。 For me the "Slow Animation" were on in the iOS simulator. 对我来说,“慢动画”在iOS模拟器中开启了。 I probably had accidentally hit CMD + T. You can turn it off from iOS Simulator menu Debug -> Slow Animation. 我可能不小心碰到了CMD + T.你可以从iOS模拟器菜单Debug - > Slow Animation中关闭它。

I hope it helps someone. 我希望它对某人有帮助。

We can add a launch screen from the new file menu and then set it in the general settings on the application. 我们可以从新文件菜单中添加启动屏幕,然后在应用程序的常规设置中进行设置。

or you can also add images in images.xcassets with the name Launchimage. 或者您也可以在images.xcassets中添加名为Launchimage的图像。

You need to add images to project with following names : 您需要使用以下名称向项目添加图像:

Notes : All are not required you need to add per requirement 注意:您无需添加所有要求

  320x480(2x) ->   640x960: Default@2x~iphone.png
  320x568(2x) ->  640x1136: Default-568h@2x~iphone.png
  375x667(2x) ->  750x1334: Default-667h@2x~iphone.png
  414x736(3x) -> 1242x2208: Default-736h@3x~iphone.png
  768x1024(1x) ->  768x1024: Default-Portrait~ipad.png
  1024x768(1x) ->  1024x768: Default-Landscape~ipad.png
  768x1024(2x) -> 1536x2048: Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png
  1024x768(2x) -> 2048x1536: Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png

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