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[英]Take the average of elements in array

So I'm getting ready for a quiz tomorrow and I was playing around with arrays, I'm asking for how many tests the user wants to input then ask for every score of a test. 因此,我明天准备进行测验,并且正在使用数组,要求用户要输入多少个测试,然后要求每个测试得分。 the trouble im having is summing up the tests, it doesn't sum all up, please help me 我遇到的麻烦是对测试进行汇总,而不能汇总全部,请帮助我

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Arrays {
    public static void main(String args []){
        int numOfElements;

        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in) ;

        System.out.println("How many tests are you going to input? ");
        numOfElements = input.nextInt();

        double array[] = new double [numOfElements];

        for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
            System.out.println("Enter the test # " + (i+1) + ": ");
            array[i] = input.nextDouble();

        for (int i = 0; i<array.length; i++ )

            System.out.print("Test #"+(i+1)+"= "+array[i] + " pts\n");


        for (int m= 0; m<array.length; m++)
        {   //average value

            double sum = 0;

            sum = sum + array[m]; //get the sum\

            double average = sum / array.length; //get the average value

            //print out the sum of elements in an array

            System.out.print("Your total points are: "+sum);

            //print out the average grade

            System.out.println("Your grades is "+average +"%");


Your problem is here: 您的问题在这里:

double sum = 0

That resets your counter during each loop iteration! 这会在每次循环迭代期间重置您的计数器!

So, for starters, you have to move that statement in front of your for loop! 因此,对于初学者来说,您必须将该语句移到for循环的前面 Same for 'average'! “平均”也一样!

You should sum up the scores in the loop. 您应该在循环中总结分数。 After that , you print the results. 之后 ,您将打印结果。

double sum = 0;
for (int m= 0; m<array.length; m++)
{   //average value

    sum = sum + array[m]; //get the sum\


double average = sum / array.length; //get the average value

//print out the sum of elements in an array

System.out.print("Your total points are: "+sum);

//print out the average grade

System.out.println("Your grades is "+average +"%");

double sum and double average are reset every iteration, declare them as local variables outside the for-loop, and print average and sum once the iteration is completed 每次迭代都会重置double sumdouble average ,将其声明为for循环外的局部变量,并在迭代完成后打印平均值和求和

    double sum = 0;
    for (int m = 0; m < array.length; m++) {
        sum = sum + array[m];
    System.out.print("Your total points are: " + sum);
    System.out.println("Your grades is " + sum / array.length + "%");

In java8+ 在Java8 +中

    double array[] = new double[numOfElements];
    DoubleSummaryStatistics dss = Arrays.stream(array).summaryStatistics();
    System.out.println("average " + dss.getAverage());
    System.out.println("sum " + dss.getSum());

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