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[英]postgres: dynamic conditional in function query

I have a Postgres function where I need to dynamically add a conditional parameter if it was passed into the function. 我有一个Postgres函数,如果将它传递给函数,我需要动态添加一个条件参数。 Here's the function: 功能如下:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_appointments(
     for_business_id INTEGER,
     range_start DATE,
     range_end   DATE,
     for_staff_id INTEGER
       RETURNS SETOF appointment
       LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE
       AS $function$
        appointment appointment;
        recurrence  TIMESTAMP;
        appointment_length INTERVAL;
        parent_id UUID;
        FOR appointment IN
            -- NEED TO CONDITIONALLY ADD "WHERE staff_id = for_staff_id" 
            -- if for_staff_id is NOT NULL
            SELECT *
              FROM appointment
             WHERE business_id = for_business_id
               AND (
                       recurrence_pattern IS NOT NULL
                   OR  (
                          recurrence_pattern IS NULL
                      AND starts_at BETWEEN range_start AND range_end
            IF appointment.recurrence_pattern IS NULL THEN
              RETURN NEXT appointment;
            END IF;

            appointment_length := appointment.ends_at - appointment.starts_at;
            parent_id := appointment.id;

            FOR recurrence IN
                SELECT *
                  FROM generate_recurrences(
                EXIT WHEN recurrence::date > range_end;
                CONTINUE WHEN (recurrence::date < range_start AND recurrence::date > range_end) OR recurrence = ANY(appointment.recurrence_exceptions);
                appointment.id := uuid_generate_v5(uuid_nil(), parent_id::varchar || recurrence::varchar);
                appointment.parent_id := parent_id;
                appointment.starts_at := recurrence;
                appointment.ends_at := recurrence + appointment_length;
                appointment.recurrence_pattern := appointment.recurrence_pattern;
                appointment.recurrence_exceptions := NULL;
                appointment.is_recurrence := true;
                RETURN NEXT appointment;
            END LOOP;
        END LOOP;

If for_staff_id is passed into the function, I need to add it as a conditional ( WHERE staff_id = for_staff_id ) to the query that's located in the FOR...IN loop. 如果将for_staff_id传递到函数中,则需要将它作为条件( WHERE staff_id = for_staff_id )添加到位于FOR...IN循环中的查询中。 I've tried doing an IF/ELSE within the FOR...IN , but I'm getting a syntax error. 我尝试在FOR...IN执行IF/ELSE ,但出现语法错误。

Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Note that I'm running Postgres 9.5. 请注意,我正在运行Postgres 9.5。

Just add the following 只需添加以下内容

... AND (for_staff_id IS NULL OR staff_id = for_staff_id)

or this 或这个

... AND coalesce(staff_id = for_staff_id, true)

in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. SELECT语句的WHERE子句中。

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