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MinGW C ++:使用非ascii文件名读取文件

[英]MinGW C++: Reading a file with non-ascii file name

Simple task: I want to read a file which has a non-ascii file name. 简单任务:我想读取一个具有非ascii文件名的文件。

On linux and MacOS, I simply pass the file name as a UTF-8 encoded string to the fstream constructor. 在linux和MacOS上,我只是将文件名作为UTF-8编码的字符串传递给fstream构造函数。 On windows this fails. 在Windows上,这失败了。

As I learned from this question , windows simply does not support utf-8 filenames. 正如我从这个问题中学到的,windows根本不支持utf-8文件名。 However, it provides an own non-standard open method that takes a utf-16 wchar_t* . 但是,它提供了一个自己的非标准open方法,它采用utf-16 wchar_t* Thus, I could simply convert my string to utf-16 wstring and be fine. 因此,我可以简单地将我的string转换为utf-16 wstring并且没问题。 However, in the MinGW standard library, that wchar_t* open method of fstream simply does not exist. 但是,在MinGW标准库中, fstream wchar_t* open方法根本不存在。

So, how can I open a non-ascii file name on MinGW? 那么,如何在MinGW上打开非ascii文件名?

I struggled with the same issue before. 我以前在同一个问题上挣扎过。 Unfortunately, until you can use std::filesystem::path , you need to work around this in some way, eg by wrapping everything, eg like I did here , which makes "user code" look like this: 不幸的是,在你可以使用std::filesystem::path ,你需要以某种方式解决这个问题,例如通过包装所有内容,例如我在这里做的,这使得“用户代码”看起来像这样:

auto stream_ptr = open_ifstream(file_name); // I used UTF-8 and converted to UTF-16 on Windows as in the code linked above
auto& stream = *stream_ptr;
    throw error("Failed to open file: \'" + filename + "\'.");

Ugly yes, slightly portable, yes. 丑陋的,有点便携,是的。 Note this does not work on Libc++ on Windows, although that combination is currently not functioning anyways that doesn't matter much. 请注意,这对Windows上的Libc ++不起作用,尽管这种组合目前无法正常运行并不重要。

You probably can give Boost.Nowide a try. 你可能会试试Boost.Nowide It has a fstream wrapper which will convert your string to UTF-16 automatically. 它有一个fstream包装器,可以自动将你的字符串转换为UTF-16。 It is not yet in boost, but already in the review schedule (and hopefully soon part of boost). 它还没有提升,但已经在审查时间表中 (并且很快就会提升一部分)。 I never tried it with mingw but played around with visual studio and found it quit neat. 我从来没有和mingw一起尝试过,但是在视觉工作室玩弄它并且发现它整洁。

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