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[英]How to measure a rows height in react-virtualized list

I'm a little uncertain as how to achieve dynamic heights of a List using react-virtualized . 我有点不确定如何使用react-virtualized实现List的动态高度。

I have a component as follows: 我有一个组件如下:

import { List } from 'react-virtualized';
    rowHeight={(index) => {
        return 100; // This needs to measure the dom.
    rowRenderer={({ key, index, style }) => <Message style={style} {...messages[index]} />}}

I have looked at using CellMeasurer as per the docs which says it can be used with the List component but I have no idea how this example actually works... 我已经看过使用CellMeasurer按照文档说它可以与List组件一起使用但我不知道这个例子实际上是如何工作的......

I've also tried to work out how it has been achieved in the demo code but have also reached a dead end. 我也试图弄清楚它是如何在演示代码中实现的,但也达到了死胡同。

Can someone please assist me on how I would measure the DOM to get each items height dynamically. 有人可以帮助我如何测量DOM以动态获取每个项目的高度。

Sorry you found the docs to be confusing. 对不起,您发现文档令人困惑。 I will try to update them to be clearer. 我会尝试更新它们以使其更清晰。 Hopefully this will help: 希望这会有所帮助:

import { CellMeasurer, List } from 'react-virtualized';

function renderList (listProps) {
  return (
        // CellMeasurer expects to work with a Grid
        // But your rowRenderer was written for a List
        // The only difference is the named parameter they
        // So map the Grid params (eg rowIndex) to List params (eg index)
        ({ rowIndex, ...rest }) => listProps.cellRenderer({ index: rowIndex, ...rest })
      {({ getRowHeight, setRef }) => (

There are also demos of this component here showing how it's used. 这个组件的演示也在这里显示它是如何使用的。

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