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将外部库文件(jQuery)上传到Ektron CMS

[英]Upload external library file (jQuery) to Ektron CMS

I have a client who has commissioned me to create a new website. 我有一个委托我创建新网站的客户。 After pricing out a beautiful custom CMS lovingly hand-crafted in php, they then informed me that I must shoehorn it into their existing CMS . 在定价了一个用php精心制作的漂亮自定义CMS之后,他们告诉我,我必须把它塞入他们现有的CMS中

The CMS appears to be built on a .NET system called Ektron. CMS似乎建立在名为Ektron的.NET系统上。 I am not a .NET developer, and I have no support from the provider. 我不是.NET开发人员,所以没有提供程序的支持。

The only manual I have been provided is one from pre-jQuery days — perhaps even pre-javascript days :-P The title of the manual refers to "Ektron CMS200". 我提供的唯一一本手册是jQuery以前的日子,甚至是JavaScript以前的日子:-P手册的标题是“ Ektron CMS200”。

My wish is to upload and link to the jQuery library to give the site some contemporary functionality; 我的愿望是上传并链接到jQuery库,以使网站具有一些现代功能。 however, I have been confounded at every turn. 但是,我一直动不动。

Does anyone have any previous experience with this situation? 有没有人以前有过这种情况的经验?

My thought right now is that I can somehow disguise the jQuery library as a css file (for which there is an upload option) and hack it to work as a jQuery library (as it should). 我现在的想法是,我可以某种方式将jQuery库伪装成css文件(有一个上载选项),然后将其黑客化为jQuery库(应有)。 However, this seems terribly round-about, and honestly a bit icky. 但是,这似乎非常绕来绕去,说实话有点棘手。

Please advise. 请指教。

If it's a "CMS200" then it's about 15 years old or so and not at all what anyone should be running today any more than someone should be running the first release of Wordpress. 如果它是“ CMS200”,那么它已经使用了大约15年了,与今天运行第一个Wordpress版本的人相比,今天根本没有人运行。 Or Windows 98. 或Windows 98。

If it's CMS200, then it's not .NET. 如果是CMS200,则不是.NET。 If it's .NET, then it's at least CMS400.NET, at which point Ektron started moving toward numbered releases (6, 7.5, 8.02, etc.), the most recent of which is 9.1 SP3. 如果是.NET,则至少是CMS400.NET,此时Ektron开始转向编号版本(6、7.5、8.02等),最新版本是9.1 SP3。

If you're looking for ways to upload a JS file, then you're being guided in entirely the wrong direction. 如果您正在寻找上载JS文件的方法,那么您将被完全错误地引导。 If you're using HTML Content to create layouts, including headers, footers, and such, then you're being guided in entirely the wrong direction. 如果您使用HTML内容创建布局,包括页眉,页脚等,那么您将被完全错误地引导。 None of this is a good practice for Ektron or any reasonable CMS. 对于Ektron或任何合理的CMS,这都不是一个好的做法。

Instead, you need access to (preferably) Visual Studio or a similar development environment. 相反,您需要访问(最好是)Visual Studio或类似的开发环境。 You'll need a local copy of the Ektron software so you can do real development against it. 您将需要Ektron软件的本地副本,以便可以对其进行实际开发。

Though I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I'm afraid you might be getting put into a situation that, at best, is ill-advised and, at worst, impossible. 尽管我不想成为坏消息的承担者,但恐怕您可能会陷入这样的情况,即充其量是不明智的选择,而在最坏的情况下是不可能的。

If you really need to continue in this line, however, and really need to upload the file, my recommendation would be to upload it to the Library section of the Workarea. 但是,如果您确实需要继续执行此行,并且确实需要上传文件,我的建议是将其上传到Workarea的“库”部分。 If you go to the Library and click on the root node, you should get an option to change the settings which control allowed file extensions. 如果转到“库”并单击根节点,则应该获得一个选项来更改控制允许的文件扩展名的设置。 The Library will give you a file path that is clean and static so you can reference the file. 库将为您提供干净且静态的文件路径,以便您可以引用该文件。

Of course, if all you need is JQuery, you can always use a CDN source, such as https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery/ 当然,如果您只需要JQuery,则可以始终使用CDN源,例如https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery/

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