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[英]how to get next random double on an open interval (x, y)

I know the basic algorithm for a random number in a half-closed interval is: 我知道半闭区间内随机数的基本算法是:

Random rand = new Random();
double increment = min + (max - min) * rand.nextDouble();

This will give you a random number on the interval [min, max) because nextDouble includes 0 in the range of results ( [0.0,1.0) ) that it returns. 这将在区间[min, max)上给出一个随机数[min, max)因为nextDouble在返回的结果范围( [0.0,1.0)包含0。 Is there a good way to exclude the minimum value and instead provide a random number on (min, max) ? 有没有一种很好的方法可以排除最小值,而是在(min, max)上提供一个随机数?

In theory , calling Math.nextUp(double d) should do it. 理论上 ,调用Math.nextUp(double d)应该这样做。

double minUp = Math.nextUp(min);
double increment = minUp + (max - minUp) * rand.nextDouble();

In reality, rounding after multiplication may still cause min to be returned, so a retry loop would be better. 实际上,乘法后舍入可能仍会导致返回min ,因此重试循环会更好。 Given the rarity of an exact min value, performance won't suffer. 鉴于精确min的罕见性,性能不会受到影响。

double increment;
do {
    increment = min + (max - min) * rand.nextDouble();
} while (increment <= min || increment >= max);

Just for heck of it, I also added a max check. 只是为了它,我还添加了max支票。

Rather than asking for the minimum exclusively, you could ask for it inclusively -- but have the minimum be the next value of double using Math::nextUp : 不是要求最低限度的最小值,而是可以包含它 - 但是使用Math::nextUp最小值是double的下一个值:

min = Math.nextUp(min);

Doubles are discrete, so this is analogous to in integer-land, rephrasing (0, 10) as [1, 10) . 双打是离散的,所以这类似于整数 - 土地,改述(0, 10) 0,10 (0, 10)[1, 10) 1,10 [1, 10)

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