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[英]jQuery dragable / sortable with nested list

I have a page that contains a source list and three possible drop zones for the user to move an item to. 我有一个页面,其中包含一个源列表和三个可能的放置区域,供用户将项目移动到其中。 Due to the source list growing in length, I want to break down the <li> 's into categories to make it more readable. 由于源列表的长度越来越大,我想将<li>分解为几类,以使其更具可读性。

When doing so, my code is still applying the dragable to these nested <ul> items when I only want it to be the <li> itself. 这样做时,当我只希望它成为<li>本身时,我的代码仍将可拖动对象应用于这些嵌套的<ul>项目。

<ul id="in_available_fields" name="in_available_fields" class="sortable-list fixed-panel ui-sortable">
   <li>Some Category Name</li>
   <li class="sortable-item allowPrimary allowSecondary allowExport" data-fid="2">Tool Name</li>
 <li class="sortable-item  allowSecondary allowExport" data-fid="3">Tool Description</li>
 <li class="sortable-item allowPrimary allowSecondary allowExport" data-fid="4">Tool Type</li>

This is how I have my lists set up. 这就是我设置列表的方式。

   connectWith: '.sortable-list',
   placeholder: 'placeholder',
   start: function(event, ui) {

Is there any easy way to have this nested setup, only allowing <li> items to be moved? 有什么简单的方法可以进行此嵌套设置,只允许移动<li>项目? Will it be more involved for the code to then have to know what <ul> it belongs to so it goes back there if dropped back into the source? 然后,是否需要更多的代码才能知道该代码属于哪个<ul> ,以便将其放回源代码中而又回到那里?

Just looking for some tips incase this is already part of a method/event for sortable/draggable that I am not aware of. 只是寻找一些提示,以防万一这已经是我不知道的可排序/可拖动方法/事件的一部分。

Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/d4Lf9v4o/1/ 小提琴: https : //jsfiddle.net/d4Lf9v4o/1/

I make a simple example for let you understand the solution. 我举一个简单的例子,让您了解解决方案。

In Jquery UI sortable you can use a class for exclude that item from the sortable. 在Jquery UI可排序中,您可以使用一个类将该项目从可排序中排除。

 $(function() { $( ".sortable" ).sortable(); $( ".sortable" ).disableSelection(); $('.sortable').sortable({ cancel: '.cat' }); }); 
 <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.js" integrity="sha256-iT6Q9iMJYuQiMWNd9lDyBUStIq/8PuOW33aOqmvFpqI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js" integrity="sha256-T0Vest3yCU7pafRw9r+settMBX6JkKN06dqBnpQ8d30=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <ul class="sortable"> <p class="cat">This is the category</p> <li id="item_3">Item 3</li> <li id="item_4">Item 4</li> <li id="item_5">Item 5</li> </ul> 

Hope that help you. 希望对您有所帮助。

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