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Git Clone 中的 Ansible 和 Git 权限被拒绝(公钥)

[英]Ansible and Git Permission denied (publickey) at Git Clone

I have a playbook where I am trying to clone from a private repo (GIT) to a server.我有一个剧本,我试图从私人回购 (GIT) 克隆到服务器。

I have setup ssh forwarding and when I ssh into the server and try to manually clone from the same repo, it successfully works.我已经设置了 ssh 转发,当我 ssh 进入服务器并尝试从同一个 repo 手动克隆时,它成功地工作。 However, when I use ansible for the to clone the repo to the server, it fails with "Permission Denied Public Key".但是,当我使用 ansible 将 repo 克隆到服务器时,它因“权限被拒绝公钥”而失败。

This is my playbook deploy.yml :这是我的剧本deploy.yml


- hosts: webservers
  remote_user: root

      - name: Setup Git repo
        git: repo={{ git_repo }}
             dest={{ app_dir }}

This is how my ansible.cfg looks:这是我的ansible.cfg样子:

ssh_args = -o FowardAgent=yes

I am also able to perform all the other tasks in my playbooks (os operations, installations).我还能够执行我的剧本中的所有其他任务(操作系统操作、安装)。

I have tried:我试过:

  • Specifying sshAgentForwarding flag in ansible.cfg on the server (ansible.cfg in same dir as playbook) using:使用以下ansible.cfg在服务器上的 ansible.cfg 中指定 sshAgentForwarding 标志(ansible.cfg 与 playbook 位于同一目录中):

    ssh_args = -o ForwardingAgent=yes ssh_args = -o ForwardingAgent=yes

  • used become: false to execute the git clone使用become: false来执行 git clone
  • running ansible -i devops/hosts webservers -a "ssh -T git@bitbucket.org" returns:运行ansible -i devops/hosts webservers -a "ssh -T git@bitbucket.org"返回:

    an_ip_address | UNREACHABLE! => { "changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh.", "unreachable": true }

This is the command that I use to run the playbook: ansible-playbook devops/deploy.yml -i devops/hosts -vvvv This is the error message I get:这是我用来运行剧本的命令: ansible-playbook devops/deploy.yml -i devops/hosts -vvvv这是我得到的错误消息:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/usr/bin/git ls-remote '' -h refs/heads/HEAD", "failed": true, "invocation": {"module_args": {"accept_hostkey": true, "bare": false, "clone":
 true, "depth": null, "dest": "/var/www/aWebsite", "executable": null, "force": false, "key_file": null, "recursive": true, "reference": null, "refspec": null, "remote": "origin", "repo": "git@bitbucket.org:aUser/aRepo.git", "ssh_opts": null, "track_submodules": false, "update": true, "verify_commit": false, "version": "HEAD"}, "module_name": "git"}, "msg": "Permission denied (publickey).\r\nfatal: Could not r$ad from remote repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights\nand the repository exists.", "rc": 128, "stderr": "Permission denied (publickey).\r\nfatal: Could not read from remote r$pository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights\nand the repository exists.\n", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

By reading the documentation for ssh forwarding in ansible.通过阅读 ansible 中的 ssh 转发文档。 I was able to figure out the solution.我能够找出解决方案。

The problem was that my ssh keys were not being forwarded because Ansible does not by default forward your keys, even if you have set up the key forwarding in ~/.ssh/conf (I updated my question with the ansible.cfg that I had before fixing the issue).问题是我的 ssh 密钥没有被转发,因为 Ansible 默认不会转发你的密钥,即使你已经在~/.ssh/conf设置了密钥转发(我用我拥有的ansible.cfg更新了我的问题在解决问题之前)。

The solution was to add transport = ssh to ansible.cfg under [defaults] plus running ansible-playbook from the location where ansible.cfg is located and make sure that the following setting exists in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config of the target box:解决办法是在ansible.cfg添加transport = ssh[defaults]并从ansible.cfg所在的位置运行ansible-playbook ,并确保目标框的/etc/ssh/sshd_config中存在以下设置:

AllowAgentForwarding yes

My ansible.cfg now looks like this:我的ansible.cfg现在看起来像这样:

transport = ssh

ssh_args = -o ForwardAgent=yes

To clone the private github repo over the remote server, I am doing this:要通过远程服务器克隆私有 github 存储库,我这样做:

First add the ssh key to your ssh-agent:首先将 ssh 密钥添加到您的 ssh-agent:

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/my-private-key.pem

After that I have modified the ansible.cfg :之后我修改了ansible.cfg

transport = ssh
sudo_flags = -HE

ssh_args = -o ForwardAgent=yes

Now you can clone the github private repo even as root user现在您甚至可以以 root 用户身份克隆 github 私有仓库

Normally, I also add these two tasks in my playbook/roles tasks as well:通常,我也会在我的剧本/角色任务中添加这两个任务:

- name: Tell the host about our servers it might want to ssh to
    path: '/etc/ssh/known_hosts'
    name: 'github.com'
    key: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'ssh-keyscan -t rsa bitbucket.org') }}"

- name: Upload sudo config for key forwarding as root
    dest: /etc/sudoers.d/ssh_key_forward
    line: 'Defaults env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK'
    create: yes
    owner: root 
    group: root 
    mode: "0440"
    state: present
    validate: 'visudo -c -f %s'

Strange, it work for me.奇怪,它对我有用。 If the ssh option didn't work for you then you can use the username/password option like this:如果ssh选项对您不起作用,那么您可以使用用户名/密码选项,如下所示:

- name: Pull the code
    repo: "https://{{ bitbucket_login }}:{{ bitbucket_password|urlencode }}@bitbucket.org/path/project.git"
    dest: /var/www/myproject
    version: master

Hope that might helpful for you and others希望对您和其他人有所帮助

On a localhost-only -scenario ForwardAgent is completely useless, as it would forward the agent only to a remote host.在仅本地主机的场景中, ForwardAgent完全没用,因为它只会将代理转发到远程主机。

Even if git works from command-line when run manually, it doesn't work from Ansible no matter what.即使git在手动运行时从命令行工作,无论如何它也不能从 Ansible 工作。 The only working solution I found was to convert git into command , like: - command: /usr/bin/git clone git@github我找到的唯一可行的解​​决方案是将git转换为command ,例如: - command: /usr/bin/git clone git@github

For public repository : (you can use https)对于公共存储库:(您可以使用 https)

- name: Git checkout ghq from github
    repo: https://github.com/x-motemen/ghq.git
    dest: /tmp/ghqt
    depth: "1"

For private, you can copy your private ssh key before and attach like this对于私人,您可以复制您的私人 ssh 密钥之前并像这样附加

- name: Git checkout dotfiles repo
    repo: "https://github.com/x-motemen/ghq.git"
    dest: /tmp/ghqt
    version: "develop"
    accept_hostkey: yes
    key_file: "{{ ssh_key_private_remote_path }}{{ ssh_key_private_filename }}"

More details : https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2018/cloning-private-github-repositories-ansible-on-remote-server-through-ssh更多详情: https : //www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2018/cloning-private-github-repositories-ansible-on-remote-server-through-ssh

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