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[英]How to have enunciate generate documentation referencing existing xsd

I am using enunciate 2.6.0 to generate documentation for jax-rs services. 我正在使用enunciate 2.6.0为jax-rs服务生成文档。 For 1 method I am using a custom MessageBodyWriter to serialize to xml. 对于1种方法,我使用自定义MessageBodyWriter序列化为xml。 I have an xsd file describing the response. 我有一个描述响应的xsd文件。 Is it possible to point enunciate to that schema doc? 是否可以指出该模式文档? By default, enunciate generates an ns0.xsd that is basically empty. 默认情况下,ununciate生成一个基本上为空的ns0.xsd。

This page in the wiki seems describes the ability to configure existing schema. Wiki中的此页面似乎描述了配置现有架构的能力。 I have configured that so that it finds the local xsd file (the build fails if it cannot find it), but the generated documentation still does not reference it. 我已对其进行配置,以便它可以找到本地xsd文件(如果找不到它,则构建将失败),但是生成的文档仍未引用它。 I believe the problem is that there does not appear to be a tie from the object returned from the method and the xml type. 我相信问题在于,从方法和xml类型返回的对象似乎没有任何关系。


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