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[英]Component in Angular material dialog es5 vs es6

I want to load a component inside a dialog, I did it in "old" style with $scope and dependency injection and it's working. 我想在对话框中加载组件,我使用$ scope和依赖项注入以“旧”样式完成了它,并且可以正常工作。

  .module("MyApp", ["ngMaterial"])
  .controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $mdDialog, $rootElement) {
    $scope.inputText = "Hello from the Input"

    $scope.openDialog = function() {
        template: '<test text="inputText"></test>',
        clickOutsideToClose: true,
        parent: $rootElement,
        scope: $scope,
        preserveScope: true,
  .component('test', {
    template: '<span>{{ $ctrl.text || "Default Text" }}</span>',
    bindings: {
      text: '<'

"old" style codepen “旧”样式的Codepen

However I rewrite it to ES6 style, then the binding I'm trying to pass text is not longer available. 但是我将其重写为ES6样式,所以我尝试传递text的绑定不再可用。 any idea what am I missing? 知道我想念什么吗?

class AppCtrl{ 
  constructor($mdDialog) {
    this.$mdDialog = $mdDialog;
    this.inputText = "Hello from the Input";
    this.openDialog = this.openDialog.bind(this);

  openDialog() {
      template: '<test text="this.inputText"></test>',
      clickOutsideToClose: true,
      preserveScope: true,

  .module("MyApp", ["ngMaterial"])
  .component('test', {
    template: '<span>{{ $ctrl.text || "Default Text" }}</span>',
    bindings: {
      text: '<'

ES6 style codepen ES6风格的代码笔

I was playing with the implementation, seems that ES6 is working now 我在玩实施,似乎ES6正在运行

http://codepen.io/luchaca/pen/qaRroz?editors=1011 http://codepen.io/luchaca/pen/qaRroz?editors=1011

 class AppCtrl{ 
  constructor($mdDialog) {
    this.$mdDialog = $mdDialog;
    this.inputText = "Hello from the Input";

  openDialog() {
      template: '<test text="vm.inputText"></test>',
      clickOutsideToClose: true,
      controllerAs: 'vm'

  .module("MyApp", ["ngMaterial"])
  .component('test', {
    template: '<span>{{ $ctrl.text  }}</span>',
    bindings: {
      text: '<'

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