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如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中更改终端的缓冲区大小?

[英]How to change the buffer size of the Terminal in IntelliJ IDEA?

I wanted to know how to change the buffer size of the Terminal in IntelliJ IDEA?我想知道如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中更改终端的缓冲区大小? Can anyone help me which properties I should change?任何人都可以帮助我应该更改哪些属性?

The settings for the terminal window buffer size can be found in the IntelliJ registry.可以在 IntelliJ 注册表中找到终端窗口缓冲区大小的设置。

You can find the registry through ctrl+shift+A and type Reg (or from the menu Help->Find Action...).您可以通过ctrl+shift+A找到注册表并键入 Reg(或从菜单 Help->Find Action...)。 You should see Registry... Click that.您应该会看到 Registry... 单击它。

Scroll down the registry and search for terminal.buffer.max.lines.count (you can also start typing 'term', it will take you there).向下滚动注册表并搜索terminal.buffer.max.lines.count (您也可以开始输入“term”,它会带您到那里)。 It is set to 1000 lines out of the box, set it to what ever size suits you...它设置为开箱即用的 1000 行,将其设置为适合您的任何大小...

UPDATE FOR LATER VERSIONS OF Intellij Intellij 更高版本的更新

You can change the terminal scrollback buffer size here:您可以在此处更改终端回滚缓冲区大小:

File » Settings » Advanced Settings » Terminal

You have to scroll down quite a way on the Advanced Settings page to get to Terminal but you should see Terminal scrollback buffer size:您必须在“高级设置”页面上向下滚动才能到达终端,但您应该看到Terminal scrollback buffer size:

Unfortunately not for the terminal, but for the console in Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2019.1:不幸的是不是终端,而是 Intellij IDEA Ultimate 2019.1 中的控制台:

  • open "File" => "Settings..." => "Editor" => "General" => "Console"打开"File" => "Settings..." => "Editor" => "General" => "Console"
  • activate "Override console cycle buffer size" from its default value of 1024kB to your needs."Override console cycle buffer size"从其默认值 1024kB 激活到您的需要。
  • restart the IDE重新启动IDE

Add this line into idea.properties将此行添加到 idea.properties

terminal.buffer.max.lines.count = 20000

Terminal and console are different, the console configs do not effect terminal.终端和控制台不同,控制台配置不会影响终端。

As of IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2, this setting has been reintroduced.从 IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 开始,已重新引入此设置。 From the link provided in Günter Zöchbauer's comment :Günter Zöchbauer 评论中提供的链接

This setting is now under Settings - Advanced Settings: Terminal > Terminal scrollback buffer size此设置现在位于设置 - 高级设置:终端 > 终端回滚缓冲区大小终端回滚缓冲区大小设置的图像

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