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[英]I cannot get white space to disappear using accordion and jquery on bottom of page

Here is a test page i am working on. 这是我正在处理的测试页。 Please forgive the mess, it is a test page from half template/half customized and using it to test code. 请原谅,这是自定义的一半模板/一半的测试页,并使用它来测试代码。 When you scroll down and open and close the accordion, it leaves white space at the bottom of the entire page unless you click the last question on the accordion. 向下滚动并打开和关闭手风琴时,除非您单击手风琴上的最后一个问题,否则它将在整个页面的底部留下空白。

Nothing seems to work from google, here, and everything I try. 谷歌,这里以及我尝试的所有内容似乎都无法正常工作。 Anyone have any ideas? 有人有想法么?

Thanks! 谢谢!

this didn't work either as other posts I saw around: heightStyle: "content" or autoHeight: false 这不起作用,因为我看到的其他帖子: heightStyle: "content"autoHeight: false

Well it's fixed. 好吧,它是固定的。 Got some help from others. 得到了别人的帮助。 I had a js file called smoothscroll.min.js that had some code that looked like this: 我有一个名为smoothscroll.min.js的js文件,其中包含一些如下所示的代码:

....right:0; height:"+X.scrollHeight+"px",document.body.appendChild(r)...

and by changing it to this: 并将其更改为此:

....right:0; height:"100%",document.body.appendChild(r)...

it seems to work now!! 看来现在可以工作了!! :) :)

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