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具有JSON格式的日期和时间的Pandas DataFrame

[英]Pandas DataFrame with date and time from JSON format

I'm importing data from .json file with pandas DataFrame and the result is a bit broken: 我是从导入数据.json文件与熊猫DataFrame ,结果是有点破:

              >> print df
              summary                                response_date
                  8.0  {u'$date': u'2009-02-19T10:54:00.000+0000'}
                 11.0  {u'$date': u'2009-02-24T11:23:45.000+0000'}
                 14.0  {u'$date': u'2009-03-03T17:55:07.000+0000'}
                 16.0  {u'$date': u'2009-03-10T12:23:04.000+0000'}
                 19.0  {u'$date': u'2009-03-17T17:19:55.000+0000'}
                 13.0  {u'$date': u'2009-03-25T15:10:52.000+0000'}
                 22.0  {u'$date': u'2009-04-02T16:57:31.000+0100'}
                 15.0  {u'$date': u'2009-04-08T22:29:09.000+0100'}
                 20.0  {u'$date': u'2009-04-16T18:14:20.000+0100'}
                 13.0  {u'$date': u'2009-04-29T10:47:06.000+0100'}
                 15.0  {u'$date': u'2009-05-06T13:45:45.000+0100'}
                 20.0  {u'$date': u'2009-05-26T10:41:52.000+0100'}

How to get rid of 'date' and other mess to create a normal column with date and time. 如何摆脱“日期”和其他混乱,以创建具有日期和时间的普通列。 To convert from ISO8601 format I normally use: 要从ISO8601格式转换,我通常使用:

df.response_date = pd.to_datetime(df.response_date)

UPDATE 1 更新1

       summary                 response_date                                  closed_date                                    open_date
          24.0  2011-10-15T00:00:00.000+0100                                          NaN                                          NaN
          24.0  2011-11-24T09:00:00.000+0000                                          NaN                                          NaN
          19.0  2011-10-01T09:00:00.000+0100                                          NaN                                          NaN
          25.0  2011-10-29T09:00:00.000+0100                                          NaN                                          NaN
          19.0  2011-10-08T09:00:00.000+0100                                          NaN                                          NaN
          -1.0  2011-11-09T17:20:00.000+0000  {u'$date': u'2011-11-16T15:20:00.000+0000'}  {u'$date': u'2011-11-09T15:20:00.000+0000'}
          -1.0  2011-11-16T17:20:00.000+0000  {u'$date': u'2011-11-23T15:20:00.000+0000'}  {u'$date': u'2011-11-16T15:20:00.000+0000'}
          -1.0  2011-11-23T17:20:00.000+0000  {u'$date': u'2011-11-30T15:20:00.000+0000'}  {u'$date': u'2011-11-23T15:20:00.000+0000'}
          -1.0  2011-11-30T17:20:00.000+0000  {u'$date': u'2011-12-07T15:20:00.000+0000'}  {u'$date': u'2011-11-30T15:20:00.000+0000'}

So, the 所以

>> df.response_date = pd.DataFrame(df.response_date.values.tolist())

worked perfectly, but other columns contain NaN values, and imputing with "-1" doesn't help. 效果很好,但是其他列包含NaN值,并且使用“ -1”进行插补无济于事。

>> print type(df.ix[0,'scheduleClosedAt'])
<type 'int'>


Why this (masking) method does not work? 为什么此(屏蔽)方法不起作用?

>> df.reset_index(inplace=True)
>> indx_nan_closed = df.closed_date.isnull()
>> df[~indx_nan_closed].closed_date = pd.DataFrame(df[~indx_nan_closed].closed_date.values.tolist())

This line is equivalent to the one in above, but with masking array, so I want to apply this method only to non-NaN values, but the result is that my data frame "df" remains unchanged. 该行与上面的行等效,但是具有掩码数组,因此我只想将此方法应用于非NaN值,但是结果是我的数据帧“ df”保持不变。 This is quite strange. 这很奇怪。

Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

You can use DataFrame constructor with converting column response_date to list by values if type is dict : 您可以使用DataFrame的构造与转化列response_datelistvalues ,如果typedict

print (type(df.ix[0,'response_date']))
<class 'dict'>

df.response_date = pd.DataFrame(df.response_date.values.tolist())
df.response_date = pd.to_datetime(df.response_date)
print (df)
   summary       response_date
0      8.0 2009-02-19 10:54:00
1     11.0 2009-02-24 11:23:45
2     14.0 2009-03-03 17:55:07

If type is string , use split and strip : 如果typestring ,请使用splitstrip

print (type(df.ix[0,'response_date']))
<class 'str'>

df.response_date = df.response_date.str.split().str[1].str.strip("'u}")
df.response_date = pd.to_datetime(df.response_date)

print (df)
   summary       response_date
0      8.0 2009-02-19 10:54:00
1     11.0 2009-02-24 11:23:45
2     14.0 2009-03-03 17:55:07

EDIT by comment: 通过评论编辑:

2 possible solutions: 2种可能的解决方案:

First is fillna by empty dict : 首先是fillna由空dict

df.closed_date = df.closed_date.fillna(pd.Series([{}]))

another is boolean indexing : 另一个是boolean indexing

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'summary':[19.0, -1.0,-1.0],
              'closed_date':[np.nan, {u'$date': u'2011-11-16T15:20:00.000+0000'}, {u'$date': u'2011-11-23T15:20:00.000+0000'}]},

print (df)
   summary                 response_date  \
0     19.0  2011-10-08T09:00:00.000+0100   
1     -1.0  2011-11-09T17:20:00.000+0000   
2     -1.0  2011-11-16T17:20:00.000+0000   

0                                        NaN  
1  {'$date': '2011-11-16T15:20:00.000+0000'}  
2  {'$date': '2011-11-23T15:20:00.000+0000'} 
a = df.ix[df.closed_date.notnull(), 'closed_date'] 
print (a)
1    {'$date': '2011-11-16T15:20:00.000+0000'}
2    {'$date': '2011-11-23T15:20:00.000+0000'}
Name: closed_date, dtype: object

df['closed_date'] = pd.DataFrame(a.values.tolist(), index=a.index)
df.closed_date = pd.to_datetime(df.closed_date)
print (df)

   summary                 response_date         closed_date
0     19.0  2011-10-08T09:00:00.000+0100                 NaT
1     -1.0  2011-11-09T17:20:00.000+0000 2011-11-16 15:20:00
2     -1.0  2011-11-16T17:20:00.000+0000 2011-11-23 15:20:00

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