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Rails ActiveRecord条件回调问题

[英]Rails ActiveRecord conditional callback issue

ruby 2.1.8 rails 3.2.18 红宝石2.1.8导轨3.2.18

I am trying to run a callback when a record is saved only if a particular attribute has been changed. 我正在尝试在仅在特定属性已更改时保存记录时运行回调。 For example 例如

before_save :do_the_thing, if: :my_attr_changed?

However, when I change my_attr and save, do_the_thing is not getting called. 但是,当我更改my_attr并保存时, do_the_thing不会被调用。 And yet, if I do the exact same thing, but with: 然而,如果我做同样的事情,但是:

before_save :do_the_thing

def do_the_thing
  puts my_attr_changed?

It outputs "true" into the logs. 它在日志中输出“true”。 Rather confused here. 在这里相当困惑。 Any help appreciated. 任何帮助赞赏。 Thanks. 谢谢。


before_save :do_the_thing, if: -> { my_attr_changed? }

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