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[英]How to prevent Slidy from advancing on click

I have an rmarkdown document that I am attempting to update to a slidy presentation. 我有一个rmarkdown文档,我正在尝试将其更新为滑动演示文稿。 I have been able to produce usable reports in this slidy presentation, however, when I click on one of the filters in the datatable, from the datatable package, it advances to the next slide. 我已经能够在这个滑动的演示文稿中生成可用的报告,但是,当我单击数据表包中的一个过滤器时(从数据表包中),它会前进到下一张幻灯片。 This is undesirable and I was curious if there was a way to disable this functionality. 这是不可取的,我很好奇是否有办法禁用此功能。

To toggle on/off this option in Slidy you just click k letter in the keyboard! 要在Slidy中打开/关闭此选项,只需在键盘中单击k字母! Its pretty handy! 它很方便!

Tip: click h letter (alias for help) in the keyboard to check more available instructions too!! 提示:单击键盘上的h字母(别名以寻求帮助)也可以查看更多可用的说明!! ;-) ;-)

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