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用于移动设备的带有悬停和触摸功能的 jquery 附加类

[英]jquery append class with hover AND touch for mobile device

I'm using the script below to add a class 'hover' to a div with the class 'reveal-area'.我正在使用下面的脚本将类“悬停”添加到具有“显示区域”类的 div。

      function () {
      function () {

This works fine on PC - but how can I add a function to include a touch activation (to append the class) on a mobile device?这在 PC 上运行良好 - 但是如何添加一个功能以在移动设备上包含触摸激活(以附加类)? thanks谢谢

Use touchstart function
$('.reveal-area').on("touchstart", function (e) {
     'use strict'; //satisfy code inspectors
   var link = $(this); //preselect the link
   if (link.hasClass('hover')) {
     return true;
  else {
    return false; //extra, and to make sure the function has consistent     
    return points

$('ul li.has-children').on("touchstart", function (e) {
  'use strict'; //satisfy code inspectors
   var link = $(this); //preselect the link
   if (link.hasClass('hover')) {
     return true;
  else {
  $('ul > li').not(this).removeClass('hover');
    return false; //extra, and to make sure the function has consistent     
    return points

Maybe try something like this:也许尝试这样的事情:


You can do this by identifying the screen width and attaching an event listener to you class .reveal-area您可以通过识别屏幕宽度并将事件侦听器附加到您的类.reveal-area来做到这一点

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    if (window.innerWidth < 480) { //change this value for your convenience
        $(".reveal-area").click(function() {

    $(".reveal-area").hover(function() {

I think you need something like this我想你需要这样的东西

 (function ($) { 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function() { //check device type function deviceType() { var mobile = false; //touch on IOS and Android var isAndroid = /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var isMobile = /(mobile)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) || isAndroid || isMobile) { mobile = true; }else { mobile = false; } return mobile; } //desktop hover function itemHover() { $(".reveal-area").hover ( function () { $(this).addClass("reveal-show"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("reveal-show"); } ); } //mobile touch function itemTouch() { $(".reveal-area").on("touchstart", function () { $(".reveal-area").removeClass('reveal-show'); $(this).addClass("reveal-show"); //if you need working links comment this return false; }); } function itemInit() { var mobile = deviceType(); //check device type if(mobile == true) { //if mobile itemTouch(); } else { //if desktop itemHover(); } } //call function itemInit(); }); }(jQuery));
 .reveal-area { background: #000; width: 100%; height: 200px; } .reveal-show { background: red; }
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