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[英]While-loop crashes browser

My Javscript functions keep crashing the browser now and then. 我的Javscript函数不断使浏览器崩溃。 Very few times it crashes, but you have those times, when it does. 它崩溃的次数很少,但确实有几次。 Using firebug it looks like it is the while loop that is crashing everything. 使用firebug似乎是while循环使所有内容崩溃。 Anyone have any idea? 有人知道吗

function generateTeams(pos = 0) {
  // Array of ID's
  var currentTeams = [];
  // 2D array with matches and teamIds
  var matches = [];

  $.each($teamList, function () {
    // Push integer into a new array
    if (this.position >= pos) currentTeams.push(this.id);

  // NumberOfTeams is ALWAYS even numbers, and can be divided by 2
  var numberOfTeams = currentTeams.length;
  var numberOfMatches = numberOfTeams / 2;

  if ((numberOfTeams > 2) && (numberOfTeams % 2 == 0)) {
    var currentCount = numberOfTeams;

    for (var i = 0; i < numberOfMatches; i++) {
      var numOne = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentCount);
      var numTwo = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentCount);

      // Checks if the numbers are the same, or if two spesific teams is against each-other. 
      while ((numOne == numTwo) || (currentTeams[numOne] == 1 && currentTeams[numTwo] == 3) || (currentTeams[numOne] == 3 && currentTeams[numTwo] == 1)) {
        numTwo = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentCount);

      // Creates a match-array with the two team ID's
      matches.push([parseInt(currentTeams[numOne]), parseInt(currentTeams[numTwo])]);

      // Simple way to remove them from the start-array.
      if (numOne > numTwo) {
        currentTeams.splice(numOne, 1);
        currentTeams.splice(numTwo, 1);
      } else {
        currentTeams.splice(numTwo, 1);
        currentTeams.splice(numOne, 1);

      currentCount -= 2;
    } // End for-loop
  } else {
    matches.push([parseInt(currentTeams[0]), parseInt(currentTeams[1])]);
  } // End if

  currentMatches = matches;
} // End generateTeams

It is, first of all, not a good idea to have such an while loop with non deterministic runtime. 首先,具有不确定的运行时的while循环不是一个好主意。 It can, and statistically will, take a very long time to finish from time to time. 从统计上讲,这可能需要很长时间才能完成。

Additionally, there is a condition that makes it impossible to finish: when teams 1 and 3 stay till the end, it can never terminate. 此外,还有一个条件使得无法完成比赛:当第1队和第3队呆到最后时,它永远不会终止。 As you probably do not have very high numbers of teams, that will happen rather often. 由于您的团队人数可能不多,因此这种情况经常发生。

Luckily, the while loop is not necessary at all for the salvation of the given problem: Change your code so that in your for loop, you first select the first team of a match, remove it from currentTeams, then select the second one from the remaining teams. 幸运的是,对于解决给定问题根本不需要使用while循环:更改代码,以便在for循环中,首先选择比赛的第一支球队,将其从currentTeams中删除,然后从中选择第二支球队。剩下的队伍。 In that way, it's impossible to select the same team twice. 这样,不可能两次选择同一支球队。

If you really need the condition with the two special teams: remove them from currentTeams first. 如果您真的需要两个特别小组的条件,请执行以下操作:首先将它们从currentTeams中删除。 Then select an opponent for one of them, which makes your first match. 然后为其中一个选择一个对手,这将成为您的第一场比赛。 Then put the second special team back into the list, and determine the rest of your matches as described before. 然后将第二支特别队重新加入名单,并按照前面所述确定其余比赛。

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