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Rails 4:PayPal IPN,各种卖家的付款

[英]Rails 4: PayPal IPN, Payments for various Sellers

I am working on a Rails Application where Users can buy Items other Users shared previously. 我正在开发一个Rails应用程序,用户可以在其中购买以前共享的其他用户的项目。
The payments should be flexible to allow the User who shared an Item to get the money a buyer pais. 付款应灵活,以允许共享项目的用户获得买家付款。

1) Is it possible to create Flexible Paypal Payments (Different Seller, different Price for each Item)? 1)是否可以创建灵活的贝宝付款方式(不同的卖方,每个商品的价格不同)?

2) Can you use the PayPal IPN with Donations to check whether a buyer paid or not? 2)您可以使用“ PayPal IPN捐赠”来检查买家是否付款?

3) If not, what is the most efficient way to achive that goal? 3)如果没有,达到目标的最有效方法是什么?

Thanks in advance for each answer! 预先感谢您的每个答案! Please tell me if you need additional information. 请告诉我您是否需要其他信息。

Here's the way I'd approach this: 这是我要处理的方式:

  • Is it possible to create Flexible Paypal Payments? 是否可以创建灵活的贝宝付款? Different sellers: Do you want them to be able to receive the payment directly in their Paypal? 不同的卖家:您是否希望他们能够直接在其Paypal中接收付款? If that's the case, you'd need to provide them the details to create a Paypal merchant account and securely store those details, but I don't think that's the approach you want to take; 如果是这种情况,您需要向他们提供详细信息以创建Paypal商户帐户并安全地存储这些详细信息,但是我不认为这是您要采用的方法。 Most payment solutions provider gives a way to send payment to multiple vendors/merchants, which you may instead want to set up or even in your application, you can set up a kind of payment stuff to ensure that integrates with Paypal's API to pay your vendor soon as you receive payments for items. 大多数付款解决方案提供商都提供了一种将付款发送给多个供应商/商户的方法,您可能想要在您的应用程序中设置,甚至可以在您的应用程序中进行设置,您可以设置一种付款方式以确保与Paypal的API集成以向您的供应商付款您收到商品付款后。 So, yes it's possible, the different sellers could be tricky, but all other things are possible! 因此,是的,有可能,不同的卖方可能会很棘手,但其他所有事情都是可能的!

  • Can you use the PayPal IPN with Donations to check whether a buyer paid or not? 您可以使用“ PayPal IPN捐赠”来检查买家是否付款? Absolutely, that's one of the biggest benefit of the IPN is that your application gets to know on time if someone has made a payment. 绝对,这是IPN的最大好处之一就是您的应用程序可以及时知道是否有人付款。 You only have to validate this record with Paypal and, not like it's often necessary compare the payment amount 您只需要使用Paypal验证此记录,而不必像通常那样比较付款金额

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