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[英]Returning specific array object within a method definition

I need to determine which predator in my PredatorList array has received the most damage. 我需要确定PredatorList数组中哪个掠食者受到的伤害最大。 For some reason when I try to return that predator, eclipse says - mostDamaged cannot be resolved to a variable. 由于某种原因,当我尝试返回该捕食者时,eclipse表示mostDamaged无法解析为变量。

Why is this so? 为什么会这样呢?

public Predator mostDamagedPredator() {
    // test if PredatorList contains predators
    if (PredatorList.length > 0){
        float difference = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < PredatorList.length; i++) {
            if (PredatorList[i].getMaxHitPoints() - PredatorList[i].getHitPoints() > difference){
                Predator mostDamaged = PredatorList[i];
        return mostDamaged;  // ERROR - mostDamaged cannot be resolved to a variable
    // return null if there are no predators in PredatorList
    return null;

You declared mostDamaged inside an if statement block, so it's not within scope outside that block. 您在if语句块内声明了mostDamaged ,因此它不在该块外的范围内。

Move it outside : 将其移到外面:

public Predator mostDamagedPredator() {
    if (PredatorList.length > 0){
        float difference = 0;
        Predator mostDamaged = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < PredatorList.length; i++) {
            if (PredatorList[i].getMaxHitPoints() - PredatorList[i].getHitPoints() > difference){
                mostDamaged = PredatorList[i];
        return mostDamaged; 
    return null;

or a little better : 或更好一点:

public Predator mostDamagedPredator() {
    Predator mostDamaged = null;
    if (PredatorList.length > 0){
        float difference = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < PredatorList.length; i++) {
            if (PredatorList[i].getMaxHitPoints() - PredatorList[i].getHitPoints() > difference){
                mostDamaged = PredatorList[i];
    return mostDamaged;

You have declared mostDamaged variable inside for context. 您已在上下文中声明了mostDamaged变量。

Declare it out, and initialize it there: 声明并在那里初始化:

public Predator mostDamagedPredator() {
// test if PredatorList contains predators
if (PredatorList.length > 0){
    float difference = 0;
    Predator mostDamaged = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < PredatorList.length; i++) {
        if (PredatorList[i].getMaxHitPoints() - PredatorList[i].getHitPoints() > difference){
            mostDamaged = PredatorList[i];
    return mostDamaged;  // ERROR - mostDamaged cannot be resolved to a variable
// return null if there are no predators in PredatorList
return null;

} }

This is because mostDamaged is defined within the if statement of your for loop. 这是因为mostDamaged是在for循环的if语句中定义的。 This means where you want to return it the variable is not defined. 这意味着您要在其中返回的变量未定义。

You can rewrite the method like this: 您可以这样重写方法:

public Predator mostDamagedPredator() {
    // test if PredatorList contains predators
    Predator mostDamaged = null; // initialize it with null
    if (PredatorList.length > 0){
        float difference = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < PredatorList.length; i++) {
            if (PredatorList[i].getMaxHitPoints() - PredatorList[i].getHitPoints() > difference){
                mostDamaged = PredatorList[i]; // assign the correct item from the array
    // either mostDamaged was initialized in the if statement or it is still null
    return mostDamaged;

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