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c ++ ostringstream提高IO性能?

[英]c++ ostringstream improve IO performance?

When I try to write some strings to a file, I notice that using ostringstream can improve the performance. 当我尝试将一些字符串写入文件时,我注意到使用ostringstream可以提高性能。

The code below do the following things: 下面的代码执行以下操作:
1. generate some random string 1.生成一些随机字符串
2. write it to a file using ostringstream 2.使用ostringstream将其写入文件
3. write it to a file using ofstream 3.使用ofstream将其写入文件

#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/time.h>

using namespace std;

double timeGetTimeOfDay(){
    struct timeval t;
    gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
    return double(t.tv_sec) + double(t.tv_usec) / 1000000;

string genRandString(int length){
    string r;
    for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
        r.push_back(char('a' + rand()%26));
    return r;

void genRandStrings(vector<string>& allStrings, int count, int length){
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++)

int main(){
    ofstream fout("temp");

    vector<string> allStrings;
    genRandStrings(allStrings, 100000, 100);

    // output method1
    double start = timeGetTimeOfDay();
    ostringstream os;
    for(int i=0; i<allStrings.size(); i++)
    double end = timeGetTimeOfDay();
    cout<<end - start<<endl;

    // output method2
    start = timeGetTimeOfDay();
    for(int i=0; i<allStrings.size(); i++)
    end = timeGetTimeOfDay();
    cout<<end - start<<endl;

    return 0;

On my computer, ostringstream uses 0.016933 second, but ofstream uses 0.132003 second 在我的计算机上,ostringstream使用0.016933秒,而ofstream使用0.132003秒

I don't know why this happens? 我不知道为什么会这样?
Is it because using ostringstream reduces the number of IO? 是否因为使用ostringstream减少了IO数量?
Does std::ofstream has a buffer to reduce the number of IO? std :: ofstream是否具有缓冲区以减少IO数量? or every time we use fout<< it will be an IO? 还是每次使用fout<<都会是IO?
And, can we generalize this to improve the performance of reading from file? 而且,我们可以对此进行概括以提高从文件读取的性能吗?

The second method defeats internal buffering due to std::endl (which is putting the newline character and flushes the stream). 第二种方法由于std :: endl(放置换行符并刷新流)而使内部缓冲失效。

By replacing std::endl with \\n and flushing the stream after writing all data, the second method becomes faster than the first (The string stream becomes an additional overhead). 通过用\\n替换std :: endl并在写入所有数据后刷新流,第二种方法变得比第一种更快(字符串流成为额外的开销)。

int main(){

    vector<string> allStrings;
    genRandStrings(allStrings, 100000, 100);

    // output method1
        ofstream fout("temp1");                       // Distinct output file
        double start = timeGetTimeOfDay();
        ostringstream os;
        for(unsigned i=0; i<allStrings.size(); i++)
            os<<allStrings[i]<<'\n';                  // New line, only
        fout << os.str();
        fout.flush();                                 // Flushing output
        double end = timeGetTimeOfDay();
        cout<<end - start<<endl;

    // output method2
        ofstream fout("temp2");                       // Distinct output file
        double start = timeGetTimeOfDay();
        for(unsigned i=0; i<allStrings.size(); i++)
            fout<<allStrings[i]<<'\n';                // New line, only
        fout.flush();                                 // Flushing output
        double end = timeGetTimeOfDay();
        cout<<end - start<<endl;
    return 0;

Result on my system compiled with g++ -std=c++14 -O3: 使用g ++ -std = c ++ 14 -O3编译的系统上的结果:


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