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[英]Is there a rails or rack gem that blocks hacked URL requests?

My Rails application frequently receives bogus traffic from hackers scanning for vulnerabilities, hitting URLs like /vb/showthread.php%3C/a . 我的Rails应用程序经常收到来自扫描漏洞的黑客的虚假流量,攻击者攻击的网址为/vb/showthread.php%3C/a These show up as noise in our logs and I would like to filter them out or handle these in some way (such as alerting someone to the scanning attempts). 这些在我们的日志中显示为噪音,我想将其过滤掉或以某种方式处理(例如,提醒某人进行扫描尝试)。

Is there a Rails or Rack gem that already does this, or are there similar libraries in other frameworks that do the same thing? 是否已经有Rails或Rack gem可以做到这一点,或者其他框架中有类似的库也可以完成相同的工作?


I'm not sure if this really answer your question by I think a custom filter will be better instead of a general gem. 我不确定这是否真的可以回答您的问题,因为我认为自定义过滤器会比一般的gem更好。

I've added a before filter on my applicaton_controller to handle weird request, then you can alert and do what you want. 我在applicaton_controller上添加了一个before过滤器,以处理奇怪的请求,然后您可以发出警报并执行所需的操作。

class ApplicationController < ....
  before_action :filter_hacks #first filter

  def filter_hacks
    if request.format.to_s == 'php'
      #do something: email, save report, anything
      head(:ok) and return false
    elsif #add other filters


I'm sure it could be improved, but you have full control of what you want to block and what to do when that happens. 我敢肯定它会得到改善,但是您完全可以控制要阻止的内容以及发生这种情况时的操作。

This is a great use case for middleware. 这是一个很好的中间件用例。 You can store a list of known bad routes and use whatever logic you'd like to intercept and handle the request before it makes it through to your app. 您可以存储已知的不良路由的列表,并使用想要拦截和处理请求的任何逻辑,然后将其发送到您的应用程序。 I would read up more on how to use Rack middleware in the Rails guides . 我会在Rails指南中阅读有关如何使用Rack中间件的更多信息。

But it could be accomplished with something similar to this: 但这可以通过类似于以下内容来实现:

class FilterBadRequest

  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    req = Rack::Request.new(env)

    bad_request = BAD_PATHS.find { |bad_path| req.fullpath ~= bad_path }

    if bad_request
      raise ActionController::BadRequest

This raises an ActionController::BadRequest exception, but you can redirect or do whatever else makes sense within the context of your application. 这会引发一个ActionController::BadRequest异常,但是您可以在应用程序的上下文中重定向或执行其他有意义的操作。 You'll need to make sure to register the middleware within your application config file inside the config block like by calling config.middleware.use FilterBadRequest 您需要确保在config块内的应用程序配置文件中注册中间件,例如通过调用config.middleware.use FilterBadRequest

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