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[英]Can an iOS app send HTTP requests when not visible?

I have an issue with an iOS development company that claims the app they are building for us cannot keep sending HTTP requests to our back-end with a timer when not visible (eg as soon as I press the home button or go check my emails) due to operating system limitations. 我遇到了一个iOS开发公司的问题,该公司声称他们为我们构建的应用无法在看不见的情况下继续通过计时器将HTTP请求发送到后端(例如,一旦我按下主屏幕按钮或去查看我的电子邮件)由于操作系统限制。

Is it true or are they being lazy? 是真的还是他们很懒?

I understand if the app gets removed from memory whenever memory is needed by other apps after a while, but no request being made at all as soon as we go check our emails or show the home screen, really? 我知道一段时间后是否需要从其他应用程序中删除该应用程序,但是一旦我们去查看电子邮件或显示主屏幕,根本就没有任何请求,真的吗?

So to put my question clearly: When is a regular (non-VOIP app) limited by the iOS operating system in the execution of its code and sending of requests? 因此,请明确说明我的问题:常规(非VOIP应用)何时在执行其代码和发送请求时受到iOS操作系统的限制?

Thanks! 谢谢!


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