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[英]How to map different values from 2 sets in clojure based on unique value

I have a function A which gives the data 我有一个提供数据的函数A

{{id 1,:obs/A "11", :obs/value 2.0, :obs/color "yellow"}
{id 2,:obs/A "12", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/color "blue"}
{id 3,:obs/A "13", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/color "green"}
{id 3,:obs/A "15", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/color "red"}...}

and a function B which gives the data

{{id 2,:obs/A "11", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/shape "square"}
{id 2,:obs/A "13", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/shape "circle"}
{id 6,:obs/A "15", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/shape "triangle"}...}

I want to map obs/value from both functions which match with same obs/A.

Here the result will be like {(2.0,7.0),(3.0,4.0)..}

I am using filter functions and map but couldnt get correct code. 我正在使用过滤器功能和地图,但无法获取正确的代码。

Thank you. 谢谢。

UPDATE 2016-9-26 1727: I added a better solution that uses DataScript to do all of the hard work. UPDATE 2016-9-26 1727:我添加了一个更好的解决方案,该解决方案使用DataScript来完成所有艰苦的工作。 Please see the additional solution at the end. 请最后查看其他解决方案。

Here is an answer that works (w/o DataScript): 这是一个有效的答案(不带DataScript):

(ns clj.core
  (:require [tupelo.core :as t] 
            [clojure.set :as set] ))

(def x
  [ {:id 1,   :obs/A "11",    :obs/value 2.0,    :obs/color "yellow"}
    {:id 2,   :obs/A "12",    :obs/value 4.0,    :obs/color "blue"}
    {:id 3,   :obs/A "13",    :obs/value 3.0,    :obs/color "green"}
    {:id 3,   :obs/A "15",    :obs/value 7.0,    :obs/color "red"} ] )

(def y
  [ {:id 2,   :obs/A "11",    :obs/value 7.0,    :obs/shape "square"}
    {:id 2,   :obs/A "13",    :obs/value 4.0,    :obs/shape "circle"}
    {:id 6,   :obs/A "15",    :obs/value 3.0,    :obs/shape "triangle"} ] )

(newline) (println "x") (pretty x)
(newline) (println "y") (pretty y)

; Note this assumes that :obs/A is unique in each sequence x and y
(def xa (group-by :obs/A x))
(def ya (group-by :obs/A y))
(newline) (println "xa") (pretty xa)
(newline) (println "ya") (pretty ya)

(def common-a (set/intersection (set (keys xa)) (set (keys ya))))
(newline) (spyx common-a)

(def values-map
  (apply glue
    (for [aval common-a]
      { (-> aval xa only :obs/value)
        (-> aval ya only :obs/value) } )))
(newline) (spyx values-map)

> lein run
[{:id 1, :obs/A "11", :obs/value 2.0, :obs/color "yellow"}
 {:id 2, :obs/A "12", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/color "blue"}
 {:id 3, :obs/A "13", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/color "green"}
 {:id 3, :obs/A "15", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/color "red"}]

[{:id 2, :obs/A "11", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/shape "square"}
 {:id 2, :obs/A "13", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/shape "circle"}
 {:id 6, :obs/A "15", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/shape "triangle"}]

{"11" [{:id 1, :obs/A "11", :obs/value 2.0, :obs/color "yellow"}],
 "12" [{:id 2, :obs/A "12", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/color "blue"}],
 "13" [{:id 3, :obs/A "13", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/color "green"}],
 "15" [{:id 3, :obs/A "15", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/color "red"}]}

{"11" [{:id 2, :obs/A "11", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/shape "square"}],
 "13" [{:id 2, :obs/A "13", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/shape "circle"}],
 "15" [{:id 6, :obs/A "15", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/shape "triangle"}]}

common-a => #{"15" "13" "11"}

values-map => {7.0 3.0, 3.0 4.0, 2.0 7.0}

It is like making a mini database and asking (sql pseudocode): 这就像制作一个小型数据库并询问(sql伪代码):

select x.value, y.value from 
  (natural join x, y on A)

If you are doing this alot, you may find that using a real DB like PostgreSQL or Datomic is useful, or for memory-only stuff consider the clojure lib DataScript. 如果您大量这样做,可能会发现使用像PostgreSQL或Datomic这样的真实数据库很有用,或者对于仅用于内存的东西,请考虑使用clojure lib DataScript。

Here is the DataScript answer: 这是DataScript的答案:

(ns clj.core
  (:require [tupelo.core :as t] 
            [datascript.core :as d]
            [clojure.set :as set] ))

(def data
  [ {:type :x :local/id 1,   :obs/A "11",    :obs/value 2.0,    :obs/color "yellow"}
    {:type :x :local/id 2,   :obs/A "12",    :obs/value 4.0,    :obs/color "blue"}
    {:type :x :local/id 3,   :obs/A "13",    :obs/value 3.0,    :obs/color "green"}
    {:type :x :local/id 3,   :obs/A "15",    :obs/value 7.0,    :obs/color "red"} 

    {:type :y :local/id 2,   :obs/A "11",    :obs/value 7.0,    :obs/shape "square"}
    {:type :y :local/id 2,   :obs/A "13",    :obs/value 4.0,    :obs/shape "circle"}
    {:type :y :local/id 6,   :obs/A "15",    :obs/value 3.0,    :obs/shape "triangle"} ] )

(def conn (d/create-conn {}))
(d/transact! conn data)

(def labelled-result
  (d/q '[:find ?a ?value1 ?value2
               [?ex :type :x] [?ex :obs/A ?a] [?ex :obs/value ?value1]
               [?ey :type :y] [?ey :obs/A ?a] [?ey :obs/value ?value2]
            ] @conn ))
(newline) (println "labelled-result") (pretty labelled-result)

(def unlabelled-result
  (d/q '[:find    ?value1 ?value2
               [?ex :type :x] [?ex :obs/A ?a] [?ex :obs/value ?value1]
               [?ey :type :y] [?ey :obs/A ?a] [?ey :obs/value ?value2]
            ] @conn ))
(newline) (println "unlabelled-result") (pretty unlabelled-result)

> lein run

#{["13" 3.0 4.0] ["11" 2.0 7.0] ["15" 7.0 3.0]}

#{[3.0 4.0] [2.0 7.0] [7.0 3.0]}

OK, I'm not 100% sure I've grasped your problem but from what you've described you have two lists of arbitrary maps and you're collecting specific elements from all the maps into a list. 好的,我不是100%肯定我已经解决了您的问题,但是根据您的描述,您有两个任意地图列表,并且您正在将所有地图中的特定元素收集到一个列表中。 There's probably a real slick way to do this with one of the merges (merge-fn, maybe?) but using plain old reduce, you could do it like so: 使用其中一种合并(merge-fn,也许是?)可能有一种真正的巧妙方法,但是使用普通的老式reduce,您可以像这样进行:

    (vals (reduce 
      (fn[acc i]
        (let [k (:key i)
              v (:value i)]
          (assoc acc k (conj (acc k) v)))) {} (concat a n)))

Let's take a closer look. 让我们仔细看看。 Starting from the end: 从头开始:

(concat a n)

I'm concatenating the lists because you've indicated that they are completely independent lists of maps. 我将这些列表串联起来,因为您已指出它们是完全独立的地图列表。 There's no uniqueness inside of a list so it can't hurt to treat them all as one list. 列表内部没有唯一性,因此将它们全部视为一个列表不会有什么坏处。


I pass in an empty map. 我传了一张空的地图。 We want a map because while building it, we'll need to keep track of where we're putting things using our preferred key. 我们想要一张地图,因为在构建地图时,我们需要使用首选键来跟踪放置物品的位置。 To the reduce, I pass a function: 为了减少,我传递了一个函数:

(fn[acc i]

It takes an accumulator and an item (acc and i, respectively). 它需要一个累加器和一个项目(分别为acc和i)。 We'll pull out the key from i, which is our map: 我们将从地图中的i中拔出密钥:

 (let [k (:key i)

I used :key for clarity, but in your example, you'd want obs/A. 为了清楚起见,我使用了:key,但是在您的示例中,您需要使用obs / A。 Then I take the value: 然后我取值:

  v (:value i)]

Then I associated the the value with the key in the accumulator by conjing it with whatever is already there: 然后,通过将值与已经存在的任何内容结合在一起,将值与累加器中的键相关联:

(assoc acc k (conj (acc k) v))))

This is a good trick to know: 这是一个很好的技巧:

(conj nil :whatever)

returns 退货


and: 和:

(conj '(:whatever) :something)

returns: 返回:

'(:whatever :something)

So you don't have to do anything special for the first case. 因此,对于第一种情况,您不必做任何特殊的事情。

When we're all done, we'll have a map with all the associated values, like in my case I did this: 完成所有操作后,我们将获得一个包含所有关联值的地图,就像我这样:

(def a [{:key 1 :value 2}{:key 2 :value 3}])
(def n [{:key 1 :value 3}{:key 2 :value 4}])

So, just the reduce returns: 因此,只是减少收益:

=> {1 (3 2), 2 (4 3)}

We just want the values of the map, so we wrap it all in a vals and voila: 我们只需要地图的值,所以我们将它们全部包装在vals和voila中:

'((3 2) (4 3))

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

If you know that there will be no items with the same :obs/A in the same set, you can just concat both sets, group them on :obs/A and keep values where there are 2 items in a group: 如果您知道在同一集合中没有任何具有相同:obs/A项目,则只需合并两个集合,将它们分组在:obs/A然后将值保留在组中有2个项目的位置:

user> (def rel1 #{{:id 1,:obs/A "11", :obs/value 2.0, :obs/color "yellow"}
                  {:id 2,:obs/A "12", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/color "blue"}
                  {:id 3,:obs/A "13", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/color "green"}
                  {:id 3,:obs/A "15", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/color "red"}})

user> (def rel2 #{{:id 2,:obs/A "11", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/shape "square"}
                  {:id 2,:obs/A "13", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/shape "circle"}
                  {:id 6,:obs/A "15", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/shape "triangle"}})

user> (keep (fn [[_ v]] (when (> (count v) 1) (map :obs/value v)))
            (group-by :obs/A (concat rel1 rel2)))
;;=> ((3.0 4.0) (7.0 3.0) (2.0 7.0))

otherwise you would first have to find the :obs/A values present in both collections, and then find the corresponding values: 否则,您首先必须找到两个集合中都存在的:obs/A值,然后找到相应的值:

user> (let [r1 (group-by :obs/A rel1)
            r2 (group-by :obs/A rel2)
            ;; keysets intersection
            ks (keep (set (keys r1)) (keys r2))]
        (map #(map :obs/value (concat (r1 %) (r2 %)))
;;=> ((2.0 7.0) (7.0 3.0) (3.0 4.0))

Where data is the combined responses: data是组合响应:

(into {} (for [[k v] (group-by :obs/A data)]
           (if (= 2 (count v))
             [k (map :obs/value v)])))

=> {"11" (2.0 7.0), "13" (3.0 4.0), "15" (7.0 3.0)}

If you want it without the labels use vals 如果不带标签则使用vals

Using clojure.set : 使用clojure.set

(def a #{{:id 1,:obs/A "11", :obs/value 2.0, :obs/color "yellow"}
        {:id 2,:obs/A "12", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/color "blue"}
        {:id 3,:obs/A "13", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/color "green"}
        {:id 3,:obs/A "15", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/color "red"}})

(def b #{{:id 2,:obs/A "11", :obs/value 7.0, :obs/shape "square"}
        {:id 2,:obs/A "13", :obs/value 4.0, :obs/shape "circle"}
        {:id 6,:obs/A "15", :obs/value 3.0, :obs/shape "triangle"}})

(use 'clojure.set)

(->> [a b]
    (map #(index % [:obs/A]))
    (apply merge-with union)
    (map (partial map :obs/value)))

Answer: ((3.0 4.0) (4.0) (3.0 7.0) (7.0 2.0)) 答案:((3.0 4.0)(4.0)(3.0 7.0)(7.0 2.0))

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