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[英]How to configure neo4j server to use bolt

I am currently running awebapp with an embedded neo4j.我目前正在运行带有嵌入式 neo4j 的 webapp。 Now I want to change to a standalone neo4j server using bolt.现在我想使用bolt更改为独立的neo4j服务器。 Neo4j has been loaded onto a standalone and port 7474 work as expected. Neo4j 已经被加载到一个独立的和端口 7474 工作正常。

Using the following code works as expected:使用以下代码按预期工作:

var authority = neo4j.v1.auth.basic("neo4j", "XXXXXXXX");
_driver = neo4j.v1.driver("bolt://localhost ", authority, {encrypted:false});


        var authority = neo4j.v1.auth.basic("neo4j", "XXXXXXXX");
        _driver = neo4j.v1.driver("bolt://somesite.com/ ", authority, {encrypted:false});

Fails with:失败:

neo4j-web.js:27568 WebSocket connection to 'ws://somesite.com:7687/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

The port 7687 has been enabled.端口 7687 已启用。 The neo4j version 3.0.4 and the server operating system is Centos 7. neo4j 3.0.4版本,服务器操作系统为Centos 7。

What am I missing?我错过了什么?

Thanks for the help谢谢您的帮助



Stefan's answer works for Neo4j 3.0 (see this KB article ). Stefan 的回答适用于 Neo4j 3.0(请参阅此知识库文章)。

For those that are having an issue like Maulik, you are probably using a more recent version of Neo4j (3.5, 4.x), in which case you need to use the following instead:对于像 Maulik 这样有问题的人,您可能使用的是较新版本的 Neo4j(3.5、4.x),在这种情况下,您需要使用以下内容:


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