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[英]Do shell script in Applescript?

I'm trying to understand some lines of code. 我正在尝试了解一些代码行。 I think that this code checks if the password is correct or not. 我认为这段代码检查密码是否正确。

Am I right? 我对吗?

do shell script "dscl . -passwd /Users/" & username & " " & pw & " llama"
do shell script "dscl . -passwd /Users/" & username & " lalala " & pw & ""

What is the "lalala"-parameter? 什么是“拉拉拉”参数?

I do not know what it does stand for and what does it means? 我不知道它代表什么意思?

The & operator in AppleScript is used for string-concatenation. AppleScript中的&运算符用于字符串连接。 So if we look at your script as if those variables were already filled in, we would see: 因此,如果我们以这些变量已被填充的方式查看您的脚本,则会看到:

dscl . -passwd /Users/TEST_USER TEST_PASS lalala
dscl . -passwd /Users/TEST_USER lalala TEST_PASS

Now you can see what the script is really doing, which is invoking the dscl command. 现在,您可以看到脚本实际上在做什么,它正在调用dscl命令。 This is doing 2 things: 这是在做两件事:

  1. Changing the TEST_USER 's password from TEST_PASS to lalala TEST_USER的密码从TEST_PASSlalala
  2. Changing the TEST_USER 's password from lalala to an empty string. TEST_USER的密码从lalala更改为空字符串。

The lalala isn't particularly significant, it's merely being used a placeholder password to change from the original TEST_PASS to eventually an empty string. lalala并不是特别重要,它只是被用作占位符密码以从原始TEST_PASS更改为最终的空字符串。

Without seeing the rest of the script, I'd guess that this AppleScript is being used as a way to clear out or reset a user's password, given the username and their original password. 在没有看到脚本的其余部分的情况下,我猜想该AppleScript被用作清除或重置用户密码(给定用户名和原始密码)的一种方式。

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