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使用Orbeon Builder根据下拉值隐藏和显示其他控件

[英]Hide and show other controls based on the drop down value using Orbeon Builder


  1. First, give a meaningful name to that dropdown field; 首先,为该下拉字段指定一个有意义的名称; say gender . gender
  2. Click on the Edit Choices icon for that field, just below the Control Details icon, and in the dialog assign meaningful values to each choice. 单击“ 控件详细信息”图标正下方的该字段的“ 编辑选择”图标,然后在对话框中为每个选择分配有意义的值。 Those are the values you'll refer to in step 3. 这些是您将在步骤3中引用的值。
  3. Finally, in the Control Details for the other field, under the Formulas tab, if you want that field to only be shown if the value of the gender field is female , enter the XPath expression $gender = 'female' . 最后,在“其他详细信息控件详细信息 ”的“ 公式”选项卡下,如果您希望仅在“ gender字段的值为female时才显示该字段,请输入XPath表达式$gender = 'female'

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