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[AngularJS][JavaEE] 如何使用 $http.post() 发送多个数据

[英][AngularJS][JavaEE] How to send multiple data with $http.post()

I work on a webapp, i have a probleme to send data and i didn't find some example.我在一个 webapp 上工作,我有一个发送数据的问题,我没有找到一些例子。 I use AngularJS and JavaEE.我使用 AngularJS 和 JavaEE。

Now :现在 :

AngularJs : AngularJS :

quiz is an object.测验是一个对象。

 roomFactory.create = function(quiz){
    //item.idLesson = $stateParams.lessonid;
    return $http.post("/api/private/room/create",quiz)
        .then(function (response){
            roomFactory.room = response.data;
            return roomFactory.room;
        },function (response){

Servlet :小服务程序:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    //get the identity of the one who send the request
    Map<String, Object> payload = AppConfig.getRequestPayload(request);
    //objetMapper --> use to add request....
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    Random randomGenerator;
    // Number of question for the two sets
    int nbQuestion = 0;
    List<Question> questionsRandom = new ArrayList<>();

    //Get object from request

    //List<String> list = objectMapper.readValue(AppConfig.getJsonRequest(request), new TypeReference<List<String>>(){});
    //List<Quiz> list2 = objectMapper.readValue(AppConfig.getJsonRequest(request), new TypeReference<List<Quiz>>(){});
    //String name = list.get(0);

    Quiz quiz = objectMapper.readValue(AppConfig.getJsonRequest(request),Quiz.class);
    if (quiz.getDuration() == null) {

    //LOGGER.info("getIdLesson : ");
    //Get list of question from datastore
    List<Question> questions = ofy().load().type(Question.class).filter("idLesson", quiz.getIdLesson()).list();

    //Take some questions from the list to make the quiz
    if (!questions.isEmpty()) {
        if (questions.size() < quiz.getNbQuestion()) {
            nbQuestion = questions.size();
        } else {
            nbQuestion = quiz.getNbQuestion();
        // we peek all the question randomly to the server and create a list of question
        while (nbQuestion > 0) {
            randomGenerator = new Random();
            int index = randomGenerator.nextInt(questions.size());

        if (!questionsRandom.isEmpty()) {

            //Set the quiz
            Lesson lesson = ofy().load().type(Lesson.class).id(Long.valueOf(quiz.getIdLesson())).now();
            //Lesson lesson = ofy().load().type(Lesson.class).filter("idLesson", quiz.getIdLesson()).first().now();

            //SET the room
            //User user = ofy().load().type(User.class).id(Long.valueOf(jsonUserId.toString())).now();

            User user = ofy().load().type(User.class).filter("email", payload.get("email").toString()).first().now();

            //LOGGER.info("User : "+user.getFirstName());

            Room room = new Room(user, quiz, 60);
            room.setName(lesson.getTitle() + RoomManager.roomNumber);
            room.setId(quiz.getIdLesson() + RoomManager.roomNumber);

            //Save the room in RoomManager
            RoomManager.addNewRoom(quiz.getIdLesson(), room);

            //Send the room in response
            String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(room);

} }

I need another parameter in my fonction create :我的函数 create 中需要另一个参数:

roomFactory.create = function(quiz, roomName){

I try this to send both data :我尝试发送两个数据:

return $http.post("/api/private/room/create",quiz, roomName)


return $http.post("/api/private/room/create",[quiz, roomName])

Get data in Servlet :在 Servlet 中获取数据:

first solution :第一个解决方案:

String roomName= objectMapper.readValue(AppConfig.getJsonRequest(request),String.class);

second solution :第二种解决方案:

List<String> list = objectMapper.readValue(AppConfig.getJsonRequest(request), new TypeReference<List<String>>(){});

    String roomName = list.get(0);
    roomName = roomName.replace("\"", "");

but the second didn't work because quiz is an object.但第二个不起作用,因为测验是一个对象。 I try to convert quiz but i didn't work as well.我尝试转换测验,但我也没有工作。

You can pass multiple Data as follow您可以按如下方式传递多个数据

var Indata = {'pram1': 'value1', 'pram2': 'value2' };
$http.post("/api/private/room/create", Indata)
.then(function (response){
        roomFactory.room = response.data;
        return roomFactory.room;
    },function (response){

Here is the better example这是更好的例子

For sending multiple list in the json to rest api use this code要在 json 中发送多个列表以休息 api,请使用此代码

var settings1 = {pram1: 'value1', pram2: 'value2',pram3: 'value3'};
var settings2 = {pram1: 'value1', pram2: 'value2',pram3: 'value3'};
var settings3 = {pram1: 'value1', pram2: 'value2',pram3: 'value3'};
var listObj = [settings1,settings2,settings3];
.then(function (response){
    roomFactory.room = response.data;
    return roomFactory.room;
},function (response){

and in the controller并在控制器中

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/private/room/create", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
ResponseEntity createRequest(@RequestBody List<SettingsModel> settingsList) {


SeetingsModel class is like this SeetingsModel 类是这样的

public class SettingsModel {
    private String param1;
    private String param2;
    private String param3;
    public String getParam1() {
        return param1;
    public void setParam1(String param1) {
        this.param1 = param1;
    public String getParam2() {
        return param2;
    public void setParam2(String param2) {
        this.param2 = param2;
    public String getParam3() {
        return param3;
    public void setParam3(String param3) {
        this.param3 = param3;


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