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带有对象的 AngularJS 数组

[英]AngularJS array with Objects

im working with the angularjs framework.我正在使用 angularjs 框架。 Here is my Code first:这是我的代码:

var app = angular.module('app',['ngRoute','ngAnimate']);

app.controller('maincontroller',function($scope,$http) {
    $scope.planes = [];

    $scope.createPlanes = function() {
        }).success(function(data,status,headers,config) {
            for(var result in data)
                    $scope.planes = [
                        {"planeLMID": data[result]['planeLMID']}

And this is the return of the console.log(data);这是console.log(data)的返回;

Object {1: Object, 2: Object, 3: Object, 4: Object, 5: Object, 6: Object, 7: Object, 8: Object, 9: Object, 14: Object, 15: Object, 16: Object, 17: Object, 18: Object, 20: Object, 21: Object, 23: Object, 24: Object, 25: Object, 26: Object, 27: Object, 29: Object, 31: Object, 32: Object, 33: Object, 34: Object, 35: Object, 36: Object, 37: Object, 38: Object}

And a sample of how a object in it look like以及其中的对象外观示例

planeAFID:    "89-3412"
planeCPISPI:    ""
planeLMID:     "8215"

so i want to do a $scope.planes array with a for loop.所以我想用 for 循环做一个 $scope.planes 数组。 But after the first object it doenst fill anymore.但是在第一个对象之后它不再填充。 How can i push the other objects into the array?如何将其他对象推入数组?


你需要实现push方法, $scope.planes.push('insert what you want to push here')

You should use the array's .push() method你应该使用数组的.push()方法

var app = angular.module('app',['ngRoute','ngAnimate']);

app.controller('maincontroller',function($scope,$http) {
    $scope.planes = [];

    $scope.createPlanes = function() {
        }).success(function(data,status,headers,config) {
            $scope.planes = [];
            for(var result in data)
                $scope.planes.push({"planeLMID": data[result]['planeLMID']})

you can use something like this.你可以使用这样的东西。

$scope.planes = [];

$scope.createPlanes = function() {
    }).success(function(data,status,headers,config) {
        for(var result in data)
                    "planeLMID": data[result]['planeLMID']

using push function of the array you can achive this.使用数组的推送功能,您可以实现这一点。

for(var result in data)
  $scope.planes.push({"planeLMID": data[result]['planeLMID']});


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